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Fucking Adoring Fan.

I was laughing so much I had to back up.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 September 2023

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Ryuu96 said:

Fucking Adoring Fan.

I was laughing so much I had to back up.

On the topic of companions just getting in the way

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Fucking Adoring Fan.

I was laughing so much I had to back up.

On the topic of companions just getting in the way

I know some dislike them but Idc, I fucking love Bethesda's real gameplay conversations because it leads to hilarious gems like this.

Barozi said:

I had 2 crashes playing Uncharted 2 on PS3 back in the days. That's only from like the 10 hours it took to complete the campaign.

In Starfield I'm closing in on 30 hours and still not a single crash.

Uncharted 2 more buggy than Starfield confirmed?

The hotfix seems to have fixed the crashing, I was crashing (and locking up) before the hotfix, haven't had either happen since the hotfix.

I've not had any crashes since the hotfix either but my autosaves seem to take longer now and give me a bit of a scare, Lol.

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WoodenPints said:

Well I got another ship but changing and/or adding mods to that or my missing ship never worked along with about a dozen other suggestions a google search came up with which sucks because the last 20 hours of play I saved up the money and used skill points to pimp out a C class ship and it's just gone until a fix happens it seems.

Damn, that's rough. I had the disappearing ship glitch 3 times so far, but each time adding something to the ship from the ship services technician has made it reappear for me. Just adding a cheap porthole fixed it for me each of the 3 times.

I definitely haven't had any crashes in my 26 hours. Seems like the hotfix will ensure I never will either lol.

There's some big framerate drops in the middle of the main cities. Akila City in particular being the worst for some reason despite being the smallest of the big 3, but that's been it. I haven't run into bugs since my opening hours of the game.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:
WoodenPints said:

Well I got another ship but changing and/or adding mods to that or my missing ship never worked along with about a dozen other suggestions a google search came up with which sucks because the last 20 hours of play I saved up the money and used skill points to pimp out a C class ship and it's just gone until a fix happens it seems.

That does suck.

The only thing you could do is use the Akila shopkeeper glitch and keep looting/selling his shit, nobody will judge you for it after what happened, Lol. Might take a while though but at least you'll get your money back. They really should have made it so that the Commerce skill also increases how much money shopkeepers have, I've over 600k but the shit I pick up now and it's like 3 sales before the shopkeeper runs out of money then I have to go to another one or rest for 24 hours, Lol.

Yeah, that was an annoying oversight for sure. I'm really not sure why they don't have it, some of their past games have had it, I know that one of the Speech tree skills in Skyrim allowed you to invest 500 Gold in each vendor to increase the amount of money they have for buying permanently, while the level 100 capstone skill for the Speech tree gave every vendor in the game 1000 more gold. They could have had both of those as extra perks for the 4 Commerce tiers in Starfield, just like 5,000 investment instead of 500, and 10,000 more for the tier 4 increase to every vendor instead of 1,000, since the economy in Starfield is different and everything is about 10x more expensive than Skyrim. As is, Commerce's small increases to buying and selling prices are kind of underwhelming for the skill point investment. 

Edit: Fallout 4 had it as well, a 500 cap investment to permanently increase vendor caps was the 3rd tier upgrade for the Cap Collector perk. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 15 September 2023

Next week is going to be fun between Game Pass releases (Lies of P, Payday 3, Party Animals) and TGS.

Getting closer to the CMA's final deadline too so that'll be a fun week too, then Forza Motorsport.

In the mood to play Cyberpunk as well...Interested to see how much 2.0 improves it.