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Unity needs to act immediately, it's already too late for many of those but I'm sure they would all appreciate Riccitiello getting booted out. What a blunder, worse than Square Enix selling Tomb Raiders for pocket change, even if Don Mattrick were somehow to be appointed the new Ceo of Unity I would consider that a huge improvement.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 15 September 2023

EpicRandy said:

Unity needs to act immediately, it's already too late for many of those but I'm sure they would all appreciate Riccitiello getting booted out. What a blunder, worse than Square Enix selling Tomb Raiders for pocket change, even if Don Mattrick were somehow to be appointed the new Ceo of Unity I would consider that a huge improvement.

It's a bigger fuck up than Xbox One's reveal and that's saying something.

Potentially the biggest fuck up ever in the gaming industry.


What a week, Party Animals and Payday 3 are tracking to be huge, I didn't actually realise they were in the same week, Lol.

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EpicRandy said:

Unity needs to act immediately, it's already too late for many of those but I'm sure they would all appreciate Riccitiello getting booted out. What a blunder, worse than Square Enix selling Tomb Raiders for pocket change, even if Don Mattrick were somehow to be appointed the new Ceo of Unity I would consider that a huge improvement.

Riccitello really shit the bed on this one. This is why you don't make Riccitello, the guy who once suggested players would be ok with being charged $1 to reload your gun in Battlefield, the CEO of Unity, the board of directors were idiots for ever appointing him. 

shikamaru317 said:
EpicRandy said:

Unity needs to act immediately, it's already too late for many of those but I'm sure they would all appreciate Riccitiello getting booted out. What a blunder, worse than Square Enix selling Tomb Raiders for pocket change, even if Don Mattrick were somehow to be appointed the new Ceo of Unity I would consider that a huge improvement.

Riccitello really shit the bed on this one. This is why you don't make Riccitello, the guy who once suggested players would be ok with being charged $1 to reload your gun in Battlefield, the CEO of Unity, the board of directors were idiots for ever appointing him. 

Give him a break, he just wanted to make himself Heard. 

KiigelHeart said:
shikamaru317 said:

Riccitello really shit the bed on this one. This is why you don't make Riccitello, the guy who once suggested players would be ok with being charged $1 to reload your gun in Battlefield, the CEO of Unity, the board of directors were idiots for ever appointing him. 

Give him a break, he just wanted to make himself Heard. 

VersusEvil said:
Angelus said:


I’m going for NG+10.


shikamaru317 said:
VersusEvil said:

I’m going for NG+10.

You get upgrades each time you enter NG+ up through the 10th time, right?

oh ok, cool