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KiigelHeart said:
gtotheunit91 said:

That could explain why 343 thought it was a good idea to charge $18 for this weeks winter store bundle despite a year of fans telling them repeatedly to stop overcharging their cosmetics

I just bought the Frostbite bundle :P overpriced yes but so cool.

Oh 100%! It’s sick as hell I’m gonna see if they decide to drop the price later on in the season. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

VersusEvil said:

Dragon Age Origins 1000G complete. Now time for Awakening, remember the time when Devs actually supported their games with actual post game content and not fucking nonsense like NG+ and extra skins coming 5 months after release. The days of big expansions that could be stand alone games in their selves, good shit.

Those were the days

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Oh man, Lol. It's close to what I want. I didn't think about automatic miniguns on the Frigate though, it'd be cool if he made the ships a lot larger and changed the other ship to a Covenant Cruiser. As I said earlier, I'd want it to be a large BTB-like map or something along the lines of Warzone Assault. This is a pretty cool start though.

Warzone Assault - First stage would be a huge space battle between the two ships, attacking team has to board the defending team ship via aerial vehicles, who will also be defending it with aerial vehicles, automatic miniguns and a mac cannon, Lol. Once they make it onto the ship and capture the first point, they have to make their way to the reactor to blow it up, something like that.

Would have to be pretty massive ships though, I hope the budget is there and someone makes it one day

Ryuu96 said:

All that crunch for nothing.

Should have just delayed it, I'm assuming they were desperate to get it out before Dead Space Remake.

I do not believe it has anything to do with crunch or even any delays.  Its how the game is built.  Yes the game seems to have the same Unreal Stutter engine issue like most UE4 games on PC but that does not see to be the biggest issue.  The game appears to not be fun because its all combat and the combat is sketchy.

Ryuu96 said:

$10 that he's joining frigging Jar of Sparks which has poached multiple senior 343i employees lately: Jerry Hook (Head of Design), Paul Crocker (Campaign Associate Creative Director), Stephen Dyck (Character Director), Greg Stone (Principal Lead Producer), Martin Deschambault (Associate Art Director). Microsoft is being clowned in their own backyard

NetEase is one to watch, they're doing the same in Japan too, they've hired Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Capcom Producer of 27 years) and they also set up a studio entirely around Toshihiro Nagoshi (Yakuza Creator). If Tom is leaving for Jar of Sparks, then Microsoft needs to start getting more competitive in their own area.

343 losing key employees right on a hiring freeze too, Lol.

Please acquire Certain Affinity/Skybox Labs the moment ABK is done...

Hmm, if you complained about 343 since they took over Halo, why would you care if someone poached their staff.  If anything you probably should be like good riddance maybe 343 can hire new blood to bring them into the future.