Totally unrelated, just thought I dump this here. Sorry, lol. Finally getting some time for the studio build. One of the hardest parts done, now the rest is just setting up all the equipment and lighting. Still got to build a frame around whats in the video, I may jungle up the whole room with vines and leaves, and I still have a ton more of acoustic treatment to do, but at least it will be out of the way of the actual work area. I can finally place my desk and get started.
The first time I tried to place the panels I spent 8 hours prepping the foam panels with double sided 3M tape. I had finally put them up and went to the kitchen start cooking lunch for the family. After about 45 minutes I heard something thump, only to find a panel had came unstuck from the wall and fell. 40 minutes later, all but 2 panels had fallen. I removed the final two from the wall and went back to the drawing board.
I didn't want to use the spray adhesive because that shit is permanent. If you try to reuse the panels they will rip and or rip off chunks of the wall. So I came up with this:

I did end up using spray adhesive to attach the acoustic foam to PVC panels that are used in drop ceilings. I ordered them 2 foot by 4 foot which was the same size as the foam. Then I attached heavy duty picture/mirror hangers. The sound panels are 3 inches thick, and with the PVC panels the combined weight of each one is 6 pounds 10 ounces (yep, weighed it). These screws worked perfectly for mounting on the wall.

The light idea I came up with after I had done the bottom roll, and created a 17 mm space in between the rolls to accommodate the light strips.
I'm making myself hold off on Starfield for at least another week to complete the studio first, because if I jump into Starfield now, there is no telling when I'll ever complete the studio. And I really want to be playing Starfield, so I'm using it as my incentive.