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Just found a random bounty hunter stranded in space, now she's in my crew, just chilling on my ship even though I don't have the capacity, I'm not complaining though, the more the merrier! I wonder if she gets off if I dock at New Atlantis.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2023

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Spade said:

This game has crashed/locked up on me more than any game I've ever played, lmao.

Same. BY FAR Bethesdas most unstable game I’ve played XD

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

So after hitting level 100 I decided to do a little (a lot) of space battles with the local factions and found out something interesting. Once getting arrested to clear those 400-500k bounties the game gives you xp debt towards your next level so for me level 101 is negative 16k away …. Lol.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Microsoft must be seriously pissed off with Unity right now.

As are all the indie developers on Unity.

Reverse this shit.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2023

These ugly bastards I'm fighting look basically like overgrown Flood infector forms.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2023

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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2023

Still trash, "only" the initial installation triggers a fee, Lul. Demos "mostly" won't trigger fees, Lmao.

"As for Game Pass and other subscription services, Whitten said that developers like Aggro Crab would not be on the hook, as the fees are charged to distributors, which in the Game Pass example would be Microsoft."

Microsoft is going to fucking hate this.

Good luck, I imagine Microsoft has their lawyers on standby for when Unity uses their guesswork model to determine how many downloads have been made. Unity not only is making it up on the spot for how many downloads have been made, they also expect us to believe they know whether a download is a first time download or not? As if.

Either Microsoft and Sony will fight against this, or Game Pass and PS+ fees will go up and the customers will suffer as a result of Unity's stupidity, or Microsoft and Sony will avoid Unity titles being included in their services, or Unity developers will be paid worse to be included in these services. I hope Microsoft and Sony both stand up for developers and tell Unity to get fucked.