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You can gauge the state of VGC with how active an Xbox Empire is :P

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Around the Network

Ryuu96 said:

15,000! Only 5,000 to go until 20,000! Very unlikely now but we are pretty close to hitting 20,000 comments within a year of opening (10th November 2022). By comparison, the previous Xbox Empire under myself reached over 30,000 (I don't have the exact number due to the deletion) in around 2 years, 10 months. So I think activity is a bit up even.

12,000 of them comments are yours kappa.">"><img src="

Spade said:
Ryuu96 said:

15,000! Only 5,000 to go until 20,000! Very unlikely now but we are pretty close to hitting 20,000 comments within a year of opening (10th November 2022). By comparison, the previous Xbox Empire under myself reached over 30,000 (I don't have the exact number due to the deletion) in around 2 years, 10 months. So I think activity is a bit up even.

12,000 of them comments are yours kappa. 

True of the old thread as well Tbf

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Idk where greeny looking but all I see on twatter are trolls and dents online arguing menus.

Least the Starfield subreddit is pretty chill.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

ZeniMax, Recruitment Announcement for Outstanding Localization Producer in Korean and Arabic.

Korean and Arabic translations for Starfield were definitely the 2 most requested! Although I doubt they'll be there in time for launch

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Spade said:
Ryuu96 said:

Idk where greeny looking but all I see on twatter are trolls and dents online arguing menus.

Least the Starfield subreddit is pretty chill. 

The Starfield Subreddit is awesome, Lol.

They ain't got any patience for any console warrior nonsense, it's just excitement for Starfield.

The Broadcom / VMware deal is valued at $69 billion, consisting of $61 billion of equity and the assumption of $8 billion of debt (based on the closing price of Broadcom’s common stock on 25 May 2022), making it the largest acquisition to be investigated by the CMA.

C'mon Bro. Lmao.

They 100% going to block, BET!!">"><img src="