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It'd be funny if Microsoft's new divesture of xCloud in the UK actually received negative responses from the Cloud market with them saying that Microsoft's original proposal was better, I wonder what the CMA would do then? They already ignored practically the entire Cloud market saying that Microsoft's original deal was a good one so do they ignore them again if they say the new offer forced by the CMA is a bad one.

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You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

This is the Judge for FTC's internal trial, Lmfao.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 July 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Extended, I Am Shocked /s.

$3bn was nothing compared to the $20bn they would have lost in market valuation.

Termination fee is now $4.5bn (that's fine, Microsoft ain't paying that cause the deal is going through).

Deal price is now effectively $96 a share (up from $95 a share), a $1 dividend + $95 a share original price.

With that I think it's safe to say that Microsoft had the advantage in negotiations.

Obviously, no company was willing to outbid the already high offer.

Not sure if any other company would be willing to outbid MS because I doubt ABK fished around in the timespan between working out this new deal with MS but the expected termination fee pretty much in line with what I felt ABK would seek.  There is still the chance the deal does not make it to the finish line so it was always in ABK best interest to squeeze a little more money from MS if things still goes sideways.

gtotheunit91 said:

Seems like it would really be silly to continue to chase this white rabbit.  I know Khan wanted to make this the banner case for her career but after all the L, it goes beyond desparate to continue.  Than again may be she is thinking I am going to interrup your lives until I have used up all my cards just to be petty but who knows, should be interesting to see them still going with the internal trail.

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Ryuu96 said:

Lord Gaben Wins Again.

When MS purchase Valve that is when Khan will have a seizure.  That will be MS next big purchase.  I wonder what Gabe will ask for in a termination fee.  Wonder how that fee is calculated also.

This is absolutely ridiculous now, Lol. It was already New Zealand's longest ever merger inquiry as well. If you can't make a decision without copying another country, in this case, it appears as though they'll just copy whatever direction the UK goes in, then you might as well not even have a regulatory body, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 July 2023

I'd assume MS will let him walk after his contract ends in April.