EpicRandy said:
Ryuu96 said:
Don't say the ad word! When that ad supported tier was leaked, it was brutalised online, people always lose their shit whenever ads are mentioned. 
I do agree that all 1st party should be added but with a 6-12 month delay, I'm a bit confused why some 1st party titles are missing, I can't work out a pattern right now, but it definitely isn't day one, which it shouldn't be, day one is the incentive for Game Pass Console and Ultimate but it does right now look like a major step down in value from Game Pass Console but still a step up from shitty GWG.
Yeah it was trashed but it's the kind of thing people get mad about and ... doesn't do anything else because they actually can't, those already on game pass would have nothing changed and those with gold will have the added benefits of access to a free cut down Game Pass with ads making it win-win. So yeah people would cry foul and then proceed to be hypocrites anyway. And better yet, the fake outcry would help publicize the thing lol.
Anyway, that is just a thought on what I think is a great missed opportunity.
One thing is for sure, missing "Live Pass" is unforgivable, what were they thinking?

You have a point, like with Netflix, everyone bitched hard and...did absolutely nothing, Lol. It wouldn't have affected me on GPU though.
Could you not say though that now, those on Gold have "free" access to a cutdown version of Game Pass, only without the ads?
- All Old 1st Party Titles (6+ Months Was the Original Rumour IIRC) + Ads
- Some 1st Party Titles (Unknown Timeframe) + No Ads.
Depending on what other titles are added, it might be close enough. We need to learn more about the timeframe and what titles are included and why.
Yeah, I'm starting to think, they should have called it Live Pass, Lol. They want to streamline everything into Game Pass though from a branding perspective and so they can brag about it in the financial. But looking at the reaction here, haha, maybe just keeping the Xbox Live name would have been better, Xbox Live Pass but change GWG to a catalogue of games.
Still, I think they'll have quite a large userbase in Game Pass Core who...
A. Won't even notice the change.
B. Won't even care still.
But they hope some who do notice, will then upgrade to Ultimate, is my assumption, because they're finding difficulty in marketing Game Pass to a casual consumer, Imo, based on anecdotal evidence, Lol. There's probably millions of users still clinging to Xbox Live Gold only just for the multiplayer alone.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 July 2023