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Pixis Said:

The scenario is broadly this:

1. The CMA still have in place an interim order that prevents Microsoft from acquiring ABK. Microsoft could, in theory, waive the conditions re consent by the CMA in the merger agreement (along with others) with ABK and consummate the merger but doing so would be in contravention of that order, which renders them open to fines and the CMA pursuing injunctions and/or other relief.

2. In the interim, the CAT litigation is paused (pending CAT consenting, which they will) whilst the CMA and Microsoft consider a restructuring of the deal that Microsoft hopes will assuage CMA concerns. That restructure is potentially early given the CMA’s PR statement earlier today. Whatever Microsoft offer will need a further investigation by the CMA, albeit I’d expect that to be on a fairly expedited timeline.

3. Ancillary to all of this is the July 18th date under the merger agreement. This is not a long-stop or DD provision i.e. it does not automatically terminate the merger of completion has not occurred by then. Rather, it means that after that point, ABK could unilaterally terminate the agreement and walk away with the 3bn.

What happens next is unknown - I would think it quite unlikely Microsoft are going to close over any order of the CMA that prevents them from completing the merger. That likelihood is decreased given the two have agreed to pause the litigation.

I also find it unlikely ABK will walk away post-July 18th where the CMA proposal is still ongoing, given that, whilst the CMA block is significant, it is at present the only element preventing consummation of the merger. I’d expect the board to continue acting in the best interests of their shareholders and complying with their obligations under the merger agreement in order to try and finalize and close the deal when possible. However, I can’t know for certain what ABK are thinking!

Hope that helps.

Activision is holding at 90+ so the market at large doesn't give a shit about what CMA has said today.

FTC be like: 

Jk. FTC will never be as cool as Shaggy.

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Ryuu96 said:
EpicRandy said:

There's a very low probability of that IMO if anything it will only help Microsoft with another appeal to the CAT. 

Yeah true, CAT is still watching.

Good job in THAT thread, I keep debating about whether to post a long ass post in there but I feel it would fall on deaf ears

I feel like the pro and cons actually argue on different things.

I keep (as others do, you included) speaking about the ins and outs of this transaction specifically but keep getting replies about a generalization of large-scale buyouts, and big-tech as cons.

I've seen little, and that's a politically correct way to say none, well though cons argument or even a well though contradiction of a pro argument.

It's been like that since the beginning of course but in that thread, there's a particular emphasis on avoiding the details with the cons position now. It's like we're supposed to keep pretending we don't know anything of that transaction specifically and so should rely on over-generalization and gut feelings more akin to a political take than critically thinking things through. Maybe after a year, they found out the cons argument is nothing but weak in this case so purposefully avoid them and that's why they are relying on generalization.

At the very least, and surprisingly so, the conversation level is not degrading and flaming attempts are mostly left ignored so it's still kind of nice to engage.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 13 July 2023

I'm curious which companies that Microsoft has acquired recently (in the past 10 years) that have turned out content that XBox fans have really enjoyed. Or are we just now about to see the fruits of all these purchases?

Ryuu96 said:

I actually booted up The Evil Within yesterday and the game actually still looks really good (At least on PC). Looking froward to what they can do in UE5. 

EpicRandy said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yeah true, CAT is still watching.

Good job in THAT thread, I keep debating about whether to post a long ass post in there but I feel it would fall on deaf ears

I feel like the pro and cons actually argue on different things.

I keep (as others do, you included) speaking about the ins and outs of this transaction specifically but keep getting replies about a generalization of large-scale buyouts, and big-tech as cons.

I've seen little, and that's a politically correct way to say none, well though cons argument or even a well though contradiction of a pro argument.

It's been like that since the beginning of course but in that thread, there's a particular emphasis on avoiding the details with the cons position now. It's like we're supposed to keep pretending we don't know anything of that transaction specifically and so should rely on over-generalization and gut feelings more akin to a political take than a critically thinking things true. Maybe after a year, they found out the cons argument is nothing but weak in this case so purposefully avoid them and that's why they are relying on generalization.

At the very least, and surprisingly so, the conversation level is not degrading and flaming attempts are mostly left ignored so it's still kind of nice to engage.

This is partly why I'm tired of arguing this in general, it feels like I'm often debating with people who haven't followed the case and I've been doing it for the whole year and it's just so tiring to keep arguing the same points but the rebuttals often make me feel like my entire effort goes to waste in trying to inform and debate because they're frankly a bit hollow most of the time (big tech bad). 

It's like people not following the case and then complaining about Judge Corley's son working at Microsoft 👀

super_etecoon said:

I'm curious which companies that Microsoft has acquired recently (in the past 10 years) that have turned out content that XBox fans have really enjoyed. Or are we just now about to see the fruits of all these purchases?

The biggest one by far has been Obsidian Entertainment. They've released 3 games since being acquired. The Outer Worlds (multiplatform) Grounded (insanely fun Survival game with a Honey, I Shrunk the Kids vibe) and Pentiment (murder mystery set during the Holy Roman Empire period in the 16th Century with an art style of that time)

The Outer Worlds had an indie publisher and the game had a AA budget, but the writing was phenomenal and I'm looking forward to the sequel. But Grounded and Pentiment were published by Xbox and were very creative games in genres I wouldn't typically play myself. 

But, Starfield by Bethesda Game Studios will alone be Xbox's biggest exclusive since arguably Halo 3. 16 years ago. So in 2 months time, Bethesda will be your answer lol.

Obsidian will still be Microsoft's overall biggest performer with Avowed releasing next year. Like how The Outer Worlds was Obsidian's take on a Fallout game, just not open world, Avowed will be Obsidian's take on an Elder Scrolls game, just not open world as well.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind