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konnichiwa said:
Angelus said:

Ok, so lemme get this straight...

on the one hand, you're not impressed with Xbox for announcing Japanese games that have been on other platforms for years already...

but on the other hand, who cares if Xbox bring a Japanese dev on stage to announce new projects at an Xbox show, cus the fans are on other platforms anyway...

This has been another great edition of gamers talking out both sides of their mouth. Tune in next week for more!

Well it would be the same if Sony announces on stage that Quake 2 remaster is also coming to PS5....  Would you say to bethesda/zenimax fans buy a PS5!!?  Would it be not wise to say 'You should get an Xbox series if you are a Bethesda/Zenimax fan especially with Starfield coming up?'

This is what Xbox is doing....  announcing games that have a fanbase on another platform;  inititally it is not bad but if you love Atlus games why would you go for xbox???  Same with SE games and possible capcom games with some of the megaman games not popping up on xbox...

With Xbox 360 they created a fanbase with games as  Project Sylpheed, Lost Odyssey; Blue dragon, Last remnant, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia, Enchanted Arms, Lost planet 1, Magna Carta and so on...   

You look at the impact of a title on system sales in way too much of a vacuum.

It's not like since X Japanese games are on Xbox fans of that title will switch their platform for Xbox. It's more like if you're a fan of JRPG amongst other types then Xbox was not ticking that checkbox before and now it is.

Japanese content is a complement to the offering, one that prevents a whole fanbase from overlooking Xbox, so when Xbox releases great 1st party games there's less hesitation to jump in because of what it does not cover.  

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Like Spade mentioned, I thought the fourth poll option looked a bit suspicious and figured it was just a troll thread. I haven't followed closely enough to know the factions, I'm staying away from everything Starfield until launch. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:

Like Spade mentioned, I thought the fourth poll option looked a bit suspicious and figured it was just a troll thread. I haven't followed closely enough to know the factions, I'm staying away from everything Starfield until launch.

Lol Ryujin Industries are a corporation from the pleasure city, Neon. So I imagine that drug that lives there will be heavily involved. Probably you doing some smuggling even

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

konnichiwa said:
Machiavellian said:

I will also chime in and say as someone who enjoys his Xbox and interested in the games coming, my enjoyment does not increase based on Xbox somehow winning the console war or even really matching the PS5.  I stated way before Phil confirmed it that Sony won the console war and thus MS is not concerned about winning something they already lost but instead is concentrating on their stragety of content and keeping a competitive product.  You do not need to be number 1 in order to make enough profit that the business is viable.

I believe the issue with some people is that they are still in the trenches of the console war when that battle is over.  Instead I would be concerned when MS is not making deals, publishing games, reducing staff at key studios, cancelling a lot o projects, you know things that would actually effect me as a Xbox gamer not the e penis of my console is better than yours mentality.  Then again, I have all the consoles so my take probably is different since I purchase a console because it has games I want to play instead of if it sells better than its competition.

It isn't just about Sales but when I joined vgchartz we were in a period with Sony being like:

'Bioshock is coming to PS3'  We can already buy it on Xbox 360 for 20 bucks don't need a PS3..

'Oblivion is comin to PS3'  ^Same thing

'Eternal Sonata is coming to PS3'  ^Same thing

'Star ocean is coming to PS3'  ^Same thing

'Tales of Vesperia is coming to PS3'  ^Only in Japan tho so get it on Xbox 360

'Condemned II is coming to PS3' ^But condemned I isn't on PS3 so it is better to get an Xbox 360

' Mass Effect II coming to PS3' ^ Ugh if you like Mass Effect you should get an Xbox 360

And so on....   because of that foundation plenty of studios were like 'lets also release on X360 like Tekken/Soul Calibur and later on the big announcement FFXIII'.

This is a simular situation but Sony invested a lot of money to get some games, Persona 5/Tales games etc on PS3 to switch the situation around or atleast create a reason why anyone should want a PS3.

Ms is not creating a foundation so far...

Xbox is heavily investing in 1st party studios and games, more than they ever have. I'm not sure how this isn't creating a foundation.

Last edited by smroadkill15 - on 10 July 2023

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind