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Surasia saying that Season 5 of Halo Infinite will be focused on PvE with Firefight and Extraction.

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Ryuu96 said:

7. Halo Infinite.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 June 2023


gtotheunit91 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Wtf??? Are MachineGames just going to leave us on a Half-Life 2: Episode 2 level cliffhanger?!? 

Maybe not that drastic lol, but still the story was supposed to continue!

It's so weird. They said in 2018 that Wolfenstein 3 was planned, and that the plot of the game would focus around the Nazi's Sonnengewehr (Sun Gun) they kept building up and teasing throughout the first two games in the trilogy and the side games of the trilogy. Then they release Wolfenstein Youngblood with BJ's daughters, it is poorly received, and they just cancel Wolfenstein 3 after that? We get it, people hated Youngblood and found BJ's daughters obnoxious, but that is no reason to cancel 3, it just means you need to give us playable BJ again, and have his daughters be non-playable NPC's and give them some character development during the game, show them growing up and leaving their immaturity behind over the course of the game, if you pull it off you can not only give BJ one last final sendoff game, but also make his daughters likeable enough that people might one day want to play as them again, in some future side game or an expansion for Wolfenstein 3. Just because it is hard, doesn't mean you give up and cancel it. It's not like sales were poor either, so that is also no excuse, while Youngblood didn't sell that great, Wolfenstein 2 sold more than enough to justify 3's existence. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 15 June 2023

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I think it's pretty interesting that MS gave pretty much all their live service games a spotlight in their show...except Halo Infinite, despite the fact that they had a pretty nice little trailer for season 4 good to go. You easily could have slid that in there, and the pacing of the show, and overall length wouldn't really have been affected at all. Not exactly a vote of confidence for that game.

Ryuu96 said:

The power IS there, it is already resulting in huge improvements, Starfield would not have been possible on Xbox One at this level of fidelity, scale alongside the typical Bethesda simulation and physics based systems. It simply isn't being used in the areas that you personally want it to be used it but that doesn't mean it isn't being used.

Starfield is a heavily CPU bound title, no amount of lowering the graphics will change that. The consoles CPU isn't good enough. They'd have to make major cuts to gameplay systems, engine mechanics, etc. They'd have to remove a bunch of stuff which makes a Bethesda title, a Bethesda title, in exchange for something that Bethesda has never been known for (60fps).

That'd make Starfield less enjoyable to me. I'd rather they kept all the AI interactions, the AI life systems which make the world feel alive, the saving of real time positions no matter where, the physics and simulation based systems and not just keep them but improve on them, instead of it having 60fps and having to cut back on a large part of that because I'll shoot in first person for maybe 50% of the game...If even that, Lol.

Nobody is really calling anyone out for being disappointed but the fanboys who think it means Bethesda is incompetent and other dumb shit, or dooming the title over it not having 60fps when the vast majority will frankly not give a shit because sadly (and this happens every gen) developers chase after graphics because it's what the consumer at large cares more about.

Game design isn't just framerate. I look at Starfield and can't think of many titles that come close to the scale that Starfield is attempting to pull off with all the systems alongside it too. They're taking a step forward in practically every single way for a Bethesda title, as evidenced by that Digital Foundry video.

Almost every single technical aspect that Starfield is doing is a big leap forward from Fallout/Elder Scrolls, aside from the facial animation which is a small step forward. At worse? The 30fps is not a step back nor a step forward, it's the same as always, Bethesda releasing a 30fps title. Everything else is at minimum a small step forward and on average, a very large step forward.

Starfield, if it isn't a buggy disaster and is largely stable, would be a huge technical achievement.

No need to lecture me as I've now repeadetly said 30fps is somewhat understandable in this case and I'm aware Series X crushes X1 on power lol. I'll refrain from celebrating their technical achievements before actually experiencing the game tho. 

Ok I don't read social media much, I was under the impression people are hyped about this game, not dooming it. I certainly don't think Bethesda are incompetent. But they'll have to bring everything and then some to change my mind about 30fps being a disappointing step backwards.

Or simply add a performance mode later and the last laugh will be mine!