I don't know why I'm worried now when this was a companies own fuck up, Lol. I just feel like some clout chasing insiders are now going to do the bullshit of "Well one thing has leaked so I must leak everything else before someone beats me to it!" Lol. Only a few days left too, I'd feel bad for Xbox team if more things leaked. I'm more okay with leaks like this at least because it was a simple screw up and not a clout chasing insider.
This leak is literally everywhere though, all over Twitter, all over news sites, trending, etc. You'd have to go dark to avoid it, so maybe it's time if some of you care about it that much to go dark until the showcase, avoid the internet for a few days, play some videogames, come back for the showcase, I'll try to make sure things are spoiler tagged in here but I can't do anything about outside of here.