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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Professor Michael Clarke: 'Is the battle of the bridges beginning?

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SecondWar said:

If this map is accurate and the third bridge has indeed been taken out, then that would leave that how stretch between the two lower yellow zones vulnerable as Russia would have difficulty getting reinforcements across the river.

Looking at this map, it looks like the UA is focused on taking over Korenevo, good move IMO.  I hope they take it over before month's end.

Last edited by BFR - on 20 August 2024

PDF said:

Can someone explain the end game thought process for this incursion into Russia. It's and embarrassment for Russia, and morale booster for Ukraine, which is all great but I am not sure what will happen in the months to come.

Does Ukraine plan to hold the territory? Are they hoping troops will be forced to move to counter the Ukrainian offensive which could provide an opening in Ukraine? Is this just to weaken Russia, destroy assets, but ultimately will result with a retreat?

Putin was planning to freeze the conflict along the lines to replenish his forces, something Ukraine of course refused. But now Putin's refusing to freeze the conflict because it would mean that Ukraine would hold some of their territory for the duration. 

PDF said:

Can someone explain the end game thought process for this incursion into Russia.

The end game is that Ukrania will have to retreat back from the grabbed territory. With the bridges destroyed, Ukrania may be able to grab the Russian parts south of the river in the next weeks. That gives a nice 30km buffer zone along the border. As it stands, 30km/20mi is about as far as they can move into Russia before logistics problems will become unsurmountable. Collect as many Russian military as they can is the best option for the Ukranians at this time.

At this time, Russia has not moved artillery that can carpet bomb the occupied area (and let's be very clear here, Putin will bomb the hell out of the territory even if it is his own country and people - he just doesn't care). Also can Ukrania block Russian air force from bombing the occupied territory? If not, Ukranian troops will essentially be sitting ducks, although they can try to hide the equipment and personnel.

It may well be that Putin does nothing and continue to attack in the Dombass region. He knows that the Ukranian invasion is self-stalling. While Russian's military is slow learning, they eventually get to the point where it is just too dangerous for the Ukranians.

An account from one of the people freed from Russian captivity in the recent exchange.

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Ryuu96 said:

The USA's credibility is being utterly wrecked and for good reason.

Got the Brits anonymously talking shit about their strategy now, got Ukraine doing operations without informing them because they don't trust them anymore, the "escalation management" has been an utter failure of policy and Ukrainian officials straight up calling out how Israel does whatever the fuck it wants without telling America is what we've all been saying too and the sheer hypocrisy of America telling another country what it can and can't do while they would never follow such rules themselves.

All I can say is GOOD.

Now lob a Storm Shadow at Russia and tell America to suck it up, what are they going to do? Stop all Ukraine aid and become hated by all their allies?

Yup, Ukraine flipped the table on escalation management and are now using it to their advantage. Once positive developments for Ukraine are underway, what exactly are the USA and Germany going to say or do to stop it without making themselves look like allies of Russia? Especially when the entire foundation for their escalation management - the fear of Russia upping the ante in response - has been proven so very wrong. Ukraine didn't just attack Russian soil with Western equipment, they grabbed a lot of land.

And of course there's the situation in Israel where the West backs the occupying force who commits war crime after war crime. Makes it even less likely that the USA and Germany can veto anything Ukraine does.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

All the pedos go to Russia.