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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Who would have thought Nazi Germany + Soviet Russia would have became America + Russia.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 2 days ago

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SecondWar said:
BFR said:

So Trump plans to negotiate another Hoare-Laval pact (his second).

And it went so well the fist time when he did it with the Israel-Palestinian Conflict. Look how much peace that one achieved. 

Like an even shittier version of the Budapest Memorandum where Ukraine surrendered nukes in exchange for vague security guarantees from Russia, UK and USA (which Russia broke), only this time around, they'd be no security agreements at all (not that they'd be worth anything, only NATO guarantees security it would seem) and instead of surrendering nukes, now it's time to surrender land.

Always Ukraine having to surrender something to get "peace" from Russia; First nukes, then Crimea, now even more land and its independence to be able to choose if it wants to join a defensive security alliance, we'll have idiots (or Russian simps) saying shit like "It'll achieve peace! It's just a little land after the mass slaughter of innocents!" ignoring the 50 other times it has not resulted in long-term peace.

Ryuu96 said:
BFR said:

So basically, Putin wins and Ukraine has hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians for nothing, negotiate with Putin on how much Ukrainian territory Russia can keep? Not the country whose territory it is? Can this man even try to hide how much he deepthroats Putin? Reward Putin for slaughtering Ukrainians and let him rebuild his pathetic army to take the rest at a later date.

I've a feeling Russia will say no to this though because they still want Kyiv and up to Odesa.

Europe needs to tell America to fuck off if Trump gets into power, better yet, time to create that EU army, Europe better be planning for a future without America and only Ukraine decides what Ukraine wants to do. Are Americans really going to elect this fascist orange fuck? Are Americans really about to spit in the face of their allies? "Fuck human rights, this orange moron said he'll fix our economy after destroying it the first time around."

Anyone voting Trump is scum.

Putin must be giving him a great amount of money for him to become an ally like this.  And secondly, the rest of Europe is going to be very angry at the United States because of Trump.  There's no way around that.  

BFR said:

Already shaking my head, can't understand this

shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

So basically, Putin wins and Ukraine has hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians for nothing, negotiate with Putin on how much Ukrainian territory Russia can keep? Not the country whose territory it is? Can this man even try to hide how much he deepthroats Putin? Reward Putin for slaughtering Ukrainians and let him rebuild his pathetic army to take the rest at a later date.

I've a feeling Russia will say no to this though because they still want Kyiv and up to Odesa.

Europe needs to tell America to fuck off if Trump gets into power, better yet, time to create that EU army, Europe better be planning for a future without America and only Ukraine decides what Ukraine wants to do. Are Americans really going to elect this fascist orange fuck? Are Americans really about to spit in the face of their allies? "Fuck human rights, this orange moron said he'll fix our economy after destroying it the first time around."

Anyone voting Trump is scum.

Putin must be giving him a great amount of money for him to become an ally like this.  And secondly, the rest of Europe is going to be very angry at the United States because of Trump.  There's no way around that.  

What's even sadder is Trump doesn't even need money to get on his hands and knees for Putin, he simply admires the man that much, he looks up to Putin as a role model, Russia is what he wishes America was, Putin is what he wishes he was, a man so feared and in complete control of his country that nobody stands up to him. America is heading down a dark path with a 2nd Trump term.

Eastern Europe will no doubt be fuming at America (and a lesser extent towards Western Europe).

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Ryuu96 said:
shavenferret said:

Putin must be giving him a great amount of money for him to become an ally like this.  And secondly, the rest of Europe is going to be very angry at the United States because of Trump.  There's no way around that.  

What's even sadder is Trump doesn't even need money to get on his hands and knees for Putin, he simply admires the man that much, he looks up to Putin as a role model, Russia is what he wishes America was, Putin is what he wishes he was, a man so feared and in complete control of his country that nobody stands up to him. America is heading down a dark path with a 2nd Trump term.

Eastern Europe will no doubt be fuming at America (and a lesser extent towards Western Europe).

i'm really suspicous of this..... my intuition tells me that given at how it's been proven in court that he is nefarious, i reason that Trump would have no moral prohibitions against receiving money from Putin.  In fact, it's legal in America for Putin to donate $$$$ to a PAC that supports Trump. This would be a legal way to do Trump a favor I return for favors returned at a later date. I think that his admiration of Putin is just a more acceptable way to justify his actions than admitting to a bribe or large donation.  

Last edited by shavenferret - 2 days ago

BFR said:

I'm all for this if Trump is willing to give up US land. How much territory is Trump willing to give up to the native Indians, and I don't mean just the small crap reserves they have. Perhaps he can give up some of his buildings too (assuming he still owns some).

Easy to say when it isn't your own backyard that has been taken from you.



Cobretti2 said:
BFR said:

I'm all for this if Trump is willing to give up US land. How much territory is Trump willing to give up to the native Indians, and I don't mean just the small crap reserves they have. Perhaps he can give up some of his buildings too (assuming he still owns some).

Easy to say when it isn't your own backyard that has been taken from you.

Next time America gets bombed by some terrorists, I wonder how MAGA would react if Europe told them to take the L and then refused to help them, went and negotiated with the terrorists (without America) and then told America they have to give up Florida to the terrorists for peace.

shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

What's even sadder is Trump doesn't even need money to get on his hands and knees for Putin, he simply admires the man that much, he looks up to Putin as a role model, Russia is what he wishes America was, Putin is what he wishes he was, a man so feared and in complete control of his country that nobody stands up to him. America is heading down a dark path with a 2nd Trump term.

Eastern Europe will no doubt be fuming at America (and a lesser extent towards Western Europe).

i'm really suspicous of this..... my intuition tells me that given at how it's been proven in court that he is nefarious, i reason that Trump would have no moral prohibitions against receiving money from Putin.  In fact, it's legal in America for Putin to donate $$$$ to a PAC that supports Trump. This would be a legal way to do Trump a favor I return for favors returned at a later date. I think that his admiration of Putin is just a more acceptable way to justify his actions than admitting to a bribe or large donation.  

I'm not disagreeing with you that Trump may be getting bribed FWIW, I'm just saying Trump also admires Putin and wants to turn America into Russia 2.0 so he doesn't even need money.

More on what is going wrong with Russia's economy. Cliff notes: their economy is overheating, which will create a wasteful boom and bust cycle if not corrected. It's like a texas cowboy riding a horse and telling it "whoah" to slow it down.  BFR said something about that a few days ago saying their sucks lmao