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shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

What's even sadder is Trump doesn't even need money to get on his hands and knees for Putin, he simply admires the man that much, he looks up to Putin as a role model, Russia is what he wishes America was, Putin is what he wishes he was, a man so feared and in complete control of his country that nobody stands up to him. America is heading down a dark path with a 2nd Trump term.

Eastern Europe will no doubt be fuming at America (and a lesser extent towards Western Europe).

i'm really suspicous of this..... my intuition tells me that given at how it's been proven in court that he is nefarious, i reason that Trump would have no moral prohibitions against receiving money from Putin.  In fact, it's legal in America for Putin to donate $$$$ to a PAC that supports Trump. This would be a legal way to do Trump a favor I return for favors returned at a later date. I think that his admiration of Putin is just a more acceptable way to justify his actions than admitting to a bribe or large donation.  

I'm not disagreeing with you that Trump may be getting bribed FWIW, I'm just saying Trump also admires Putin and wants to turn America into Russia 2.0 so he doesn't even need money.