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shavenferret said:
Ryuu96 said:

So basically, Putin wins and Ukraine has hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians for nothing, negotiate with Putin on how much Ukrainian territory Russia can keep? Not the country whose territory it is? Can this man even try to hide how much he deepthroats Putin? Reward Putin for slaughtering Ukrainians and let him rebuild his pathetic army to take the rest at a later date.

I've a feeling Russia will say no to this though because they still want Kyiv and up to Odesa.

Europe needs to tell America to fuck off if Trump gets into power, better yet, time to create that EU army, Europe better be planning for a future without America and only Ukraine decides what Ukraine wants to do. Are Americans really going to elect this fascist orange fuck? Are Americans really about to spit in the face of their allies? "Fuck human rights, this orange moron said he'll fix our economy after destroying it the first time around."

Anyone voting Trump is scum.

Putin must be giving him a great amount of money for him to become an ally like this.  And secondly, the rest of Europe is going to be very angry at the United States because of Trump.  There's no way around that.  

What's even sadder is Trump doesn't even need money to get on his hands and knees for Putin, he simply admires the man that much, he looks up to Putin as a role model, Russia is what he wishes America was, Putin is what he wishes he was, a man so feared and in complete control of his country that nobody stands up to him. America is heading down a dark path with a 2nd Trump term.

Eastern Europe will no doubt be fuming at America (and a lesser extent towards Western Europe).