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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

crissindahouse said:

So with trees starting to grow leaves again (at least in Germany, maybe some more weeks in Ukraine), will this help Ukraine or Russia more? Ukraine seems to have an advantage with drones so that Russians could hide better but it might also help Ukraine more to defend cities already in the woods around them?

I think it helps Ukraine more than russia.... same with when the ground goes soft (rain and mud, and mild weather) for tanks.

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Ryuu96 said:

Can they not decide what looks worse? Russian incompetence or Ukraine having the ability to strike their soil? Lol.

Can never get a straight answer out of Russia.

Fair play if Ukraine did it but Russia accidentally blowing themselves up looks equally as bad, one says that our anti-air defence is shit and Ukraine can strike us and the other says we're fucking idiots.

Legit think this is human error on Russia's part.
Would be neat if it was actually Ukraine being like "lets give them a taste of their own medicin".

Dulfite said:
JRPGfan said:

I watched a video of some ukraine soldiers makeing use of what others commented on as a "shoot and scoot" (hit and run), or "kiteing" in gamer terms.
They would lay low, make use of drones to get a birds eye view, get coordinates (lazers? gps?), run in a small team of 4-5 people, carrying parts of a "reuseable laucher", deploy it (its like a little stand, that then gets 4-5 parts added ontop, and loaded with a rocket), and basically as soon as it was fired, they where pulling it apart, carrying their parts (each guy takes care of their part) and then running off, even before the missle even lands (and usually hits).

Apparently, these guys just keep doing things like this, you can hear frustrated russian soldiers fireing at them (their out of range usually) and theres like bush/vegitation in the way (sight issue).

I thought, damn... now I know why the russians are makeing such heavy losses.
These small hit and run teams (with drones, and smart weaponry), and the Guerrilla warfare they make use of, are apparently hard to deal with.... if your soldiers are basically just cannon fodder, just drafted, that are clumped up together in a caravan or such.

As long as Russia keeps trying to absorb Ukraine, their people, their assets, and their economy, they will never have the advantage over Ukranian guerilla warfare. But if Putin just throws his hands up and wants the land, not caring about how many people and structures he destroys, then that advantage goes away and he just starts bombing cities like Hitler.

The problem with that line is the optics.  Russia still want international support even if they cannot get it from the US and EU.  Going scorched earth make it harder for any of the other international groups to support such actions and definitely China does not want that blood to represent them standing by Russia.  This is the reason why this war stretching out was bad for Putin.  If you really think about it, nothing has really gone right in this whole enterprise and its making Putin look bad on the world stage.

JRPGfan said:
crissindahouse said:

So with trees starting to grow leaves again (at least in Germany, maybe some more weeks in Ukraine), will this help Ukraine or Russia more? Ukraine seems to have an advantage with drones so that Russians could hide better but it might also help Ukraine more to defend cities already in the woods around them?

I think it helps Ukraine more than russia.... same with when the ground goes soft (rain and mud, and mild weather) for tanks.

That growing leaves thing reminds me of the Russian attacks at Chernobyl. Apparently many of the young soldiers never heard of Chernobyl, and some of their tanks drove close to the "Red forest", an area labeled for the tree leaves that turned red due to extremely high radioactivity in the soil.

Plowing the soil with tanks is highly not recommended if the soil is heavily contaminated. This "Red forest" area has been assigned "no go for anyone" ever. None of the Russians had any protective gear, not when the attack started, not now. Even the specialists that came later had no protective gear (reported by the plant operators, so it might be true or not true).

Dulfite said:

What I did was not defending Trump, it was rejecting the idea that Trump was defended often by the media. But I misunderstood you, I had assumed you meant the media, not the people, as there are always millions of people that defend everything about each President. You will find millions of Obama loyalists out there to this day, and millions of Biden ones too, has nothing to do with just one President. When people vote for someone enthusiastically, then they feel they have to defend that person from criticism because it is how they justify making that vote in the first place. 80% of decisions are made emotionally, not logically, and we do irrational things, as humans, to continue justifying that decision, rather than face the reality that the decision we made may not have been as perfect as we make it in our heads. Every election has people that get sucked into this mindset for candidates from all sides.

You were defending trump. And I meant everyone.

KiigelHeart said:

Perhaps.. but didn't US troops wipe out hudreds of these guys during one afternoon in Syria?

Actually not sure... Didn't pay much attention to that conflict.

But I wouldn't be surprised, the USA can afford to up-skill it's military to great effect.

JRPGfan said:

I watched a video of some ukraine soldiers makeing use of what others commented on as a "shoot and scoot" (hit and run), or "kiteing" in gamer terms.
They would lay low, make use of drones to get a birds eye view, get coordinates (lazers? gps?), run in a small team of 4-5 people, carrying parts of a "reuseable laucher", deploy it (its like a little stand, that then gets 4-5 parts added ontop, and loaded with a rocket), and basically as soon as it was fired, they where pulling it apart, carrying their parts (each guy takes care of their part) and then running off, even before the missle even lands (and usually hits).

Apparently, these guys just keep doing things like this, you can hear frustrated russian soldiers fireing at them (their out of range usually) and theres like bush/vegitation in the way (sight issue).

I thought, damn... now I know why the russians are makeing such heavy losses.
These small hit and run teams (with drones, and smart weaponry), and the Guerrilla warfare they make use of, are apparently hard to deal with.... if your soldiers are basically just cannon fodder, just drafted, that are clumped up together in a caravan or such.

Sounds like guerilla warfare, which is actually extremely effective.

As Sun Tzu famously said...
"Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected."

Zkuq said:

Why would you ever have 65 TB of data without a backup... When you have the funds to process that much data, surely backing it up is a no-brainer?

It was likely a large RAID array... Which has built in layers of redundancy anyway.

However... You are 100% correct.

The issue starts with the oligarchs... If they can reduce costs by cuting a corner... They will, then pocket the money.
Corruption is an incredible thing.

The western world, whilst also having corruption... Doesn't have it at this extreme, there are *allot* of checks and balances.

drkohler said:

That growing leaves thing reminds me of the Russian attacks at Chernobyl. Apparently many of the young soldiers never heard of Chernobyl, and some of their tanks drove close to the "Red forest", an area labeled for the tree leaves that turned red due to extremely high radioactivity in the soil.

Plowing the soil with tanks is highly not recommended if the soil is heavily contaminated. This "Red forest" area has been assigned "no go for anyone" ever. None of the Russians had any protective gear, not when the attack started, not now. Even the specialists that came later had no protective gear (reported by the plant operators, so it might be true or not true).

I have worked in a Uranium mine before... It all comes down to intensity and duration, if you are passing through the outskirts, the issue of Radiation is likely inconsequential.

It's still best to avoid, but I think Russia has showcased that it see's it's military as expendable anyway.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Seems like they hit the Red Cross building twice the last week. There's really nothing they don't shoot at

Ryuu96 said:

Can we skip to the part where Putin kills Kadyrov or Kadyrov backstabs Putin.

Probably won't happen though, as much as I'd love either one, both are awful people.

The irony with Kadyrov is given he himself is a former rebel fighter if Russia were to be in a position like the UsSR was in the late 80s/early 90s he would almost certainly take the chance to declare Chechen independence at the earliest opportunity.

Ryuu96 said:

Surprising to some extent but more confirms theories that South Ossetia was essentially operating as part of Russia anyway rather than being independent. Ossetians aren't Russians. It's highly unusual for a region to breakaway from one state only to seek to join another. Feels like the South Ossentian President is a Putin stooge like Kadyrov or Lukashenko and is doing what he is told. You can expect Abhkazia and Transnistria to do the same shortly.

I do wonder though if this would trigger Georgia to attack the region to recapture it from Russia. Whilst they were beaten badly in 2008 they have similar relation with Nato to Ukraine, although I'm not sure if they've received the same level of training, let alone armaments, from them. With the bulk of Russia's forces concentrated elsewhere they could decide its now or never.

Then again they could feel the risk is too great and, whilst the two regions are internationally recognised as part of Georgia and therefore technically wouldn't be seen as illegal, further defeat would result in even greater concessions. Plus even if they do succeed the onus would be on Russia to attack again somewhere down the line. Moldova could end up trying the same in Transnistria - it has a smaller long-term risk as it does not have a border with Russia so a future relatitory attack is less likely.

Pemalite said:
drkohler said:

Plowing the soil with tanks is highly not recommended if the soil is heavily contaminated. This "Red forest" area has been assigned "no go for anyone" ever. None of the Russians had any protective gear, not when the attack started, not now. Even the specialists that came later had no protective gear (reported by the plant operators, so it might be true or not true).

I have worked in a Uranium mine before... It all comes down to intensity and duration, if you are passing through the outskirts, the issue of Radiation is likely inconsequential.

It's still best to avoid, but I think Russia has showcased that it see's it's military as expendable anyway.

There are satellite images that show Russians did a lot of defense digging in north of the Kieve region.

Apparently, Russians did the same in Chernobyl. According to the same sources, many soldier left in panic when first signs of radiation sickness were showing up.

Ryuu96 said:

These guys are a fucking joke I've seen so many TikTok videos from them so much so that people are insultingly labelling them as the TikTok Division now, just firing blindly at enemies that we conveniently never see.

I dont know much about the military, and how real combat looks..... but like, even I can tell that looks staged or fake, or just off.
This like when you watch a movie with bad acting (best way I can explain it). It would be like, handing an a guy a gun, that doesnt know how to hold it when fireing, and then trying to pass him off as a professional soldier, while hes fooling around, acting cool (but failing to look like he knows what hes doing).

Also, you dont see what their shooting at? or even hear return fire.
For all you know, this could be them just shooting at a empty building or something, right?

Yeah, maybe this is part of the issue.
When you see Ukraines, makeing videos, you see the action from like body cams, and them running around and doing objectives.
They show the targets, you see the hits, you see the people their shooting/fireing rockets at and stuff, and you see/hear return fire ect.
Like when you see a video of a guy, hideing in a building a tank drives be, and he goes out the window to fire a rocket at a tank (and hits it)... your not questioning if its real or not.  Also their usually good with showing wreckages of tanks, or artiliery and such, shot down planes.

Those chechen army guys... their videos are just weirdly differnt from others.