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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Zelenskyy here confirms they can't use Storm Shadow either.

Everyone is fucking bullshitting us!

Fuck the UK, Germany, France and America.

The four most powerful countries in the West, they talk a big game, but they're nothing but fucking cowards.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2024

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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2024

The occupiers continue to use scorched earth tactics in Donbas. In the video, you can see Russian shelling in the area of ​​the village of Bilogorivka, Luhansk region, using a large number of Grad anti-aircraft missiles and Solntsepok rocket launchers.

Today, there were detailed reports on the situation at the front and in the defense sector from Defense Minister Umerov and Chief of the General Staff Bargylevych. Chief of Staff Syrskyi also reported.

The day before, we had another meeting in the Ramstein format - today we reported on the work on our needs. First of all, these are air defense systems, armored vehicles, and ammunition. All partners are fully informed about the urgency of the needs and the real situation on the frontline.

I am grateful to every state, every leader, all the partners' defense ministers and chiefs of staff who are really ready to help and fulfill their promises. The entire content of communication with partners should be reflected in the content of the real combat work of our soldiers - the means of destruction that are needed at the front line. And now, in these weeks, not somewhere in the summer.

The Pokrovske direction and other Donetsk directions - Kramatorsk and Kurakhove - remain extremely difficult at the moment: there are the most battles there. Kharkiv region - our forces are destroying the occupier, the results are tangible.

Wow. Just two weeks ago, the rashists were shouting about the inevitability of taking Kharkiv. Today, the family Syoma Pegov from WarGonzo talks about the potential possibility that the Defense Forces of Ukraine will seize the initiative and launch a counterattack in the Kharkiv direction due to the large losses of the occupiers and the advantage in artillery.

The Russian authorities have decided to unilaterally change the country's maritime borders with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea, according to a draft government resolution published on the portal of legal acts.

According to the document prepared by the Ministry of Defense, Russia intends to declare part of the water area in the east of the Gulf of Finland, as well as near the cities of Baltiysk and Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region, as its internal sea waters.

The border revision document, which has not yet been officially commented on by the Finnish and Lithuanian Foreign Ministries, was presented for public discussion almost simultaneously with the start of exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

Россия решила в одностороннем порядке сдвинуть границу с Литвой и Финляндией в Балтийском море - Русская служба The Moscow Times

I honestly believe a large reason for USA's Escalation Management is Jake Sullivan. If it is him then he needs to be dumped, he is fucking useless.

I seriously doubt any people with actual military knowledge would be pushing it, so not Charles Brown Jr or Lloyd Austin and Blinken had that blunder a few days ago saying it's up to Ukraine how they use western weapons but I wonder if that was a simple fuck up or his genuine belief?

He has been long speculated as the one who is too worrisome about "redlines" and doing all the escalation management.

And we had this.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2024

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

I heard Ivan Popov was a rare actually competent Russian commander and I do remember posting in here how he publicly criticised Russia/Shoigu/Gerasimov, he was popular and a major reason Ukrainians didn't breakthrough last Summer.

Continued Russian incompetence

I'm just fine with the turmoil and turnover. Keep em rolling in, we need those generals less and less experienced..

Chancellor Olaf Scholz criticized alleged plans for a "no-fly zone" in western Ukraine, warning it could drag Germany and NATO into direct conflict with Russia. His comments, made in Karlsruhe, were in response to a ten-page paper by former NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen and the Ukrainian government. The paper proposes closer ties between Ukraine and NATO, including an air defense shield along Ukraine's western border to protect against Russian missiles and drones. Scholz labeled these plans as "dangerous talk from warmongers".


Nice of Scholz to call Zelenskyy a warmonger.

"Allies are afraid of escalation with Russia, so they do not shoot down missiles launched by Russia at Ukraine. I personally conveyed signals to the Polish side, the United States and other countries that we are ready to sign all the papers: that if they shoot down Russian missiles over our country, they will not be held responsible if it falls and something explodes, etc. But everyone is afraid of 'escalation'," Zelenskyi stated during an interview."

Scholz is so damn pathetic, the Neville Chamberlain of the 21st Century.

Unfortunately though, NATO won't even shoot down missiles and drones on its own territory, let alone Ukraine.

Meanwhile...Continued Russian sabotage across Europe.

The strongest countries in NATO are the biggest cowards.

Well this definitely makes me feel good if America or even NATO has to fight Russia. The ruskiesare so hard up for IFVs that they are using 70 year old vehicles that are basically just tractors with no protection at all for the troops. One drone could send 10 soldiers to hell.

Waiting to hear about the results of this security agreement. Ukraine is going to tell them what help would be ideal and swedennis going to let them know how they can help. I'd love to hear about sweden supplying u(raine with the Gripen, and news should come this or next week. We'll have to see..

shavenferret said:

Well this definitely makes me feel good if America or even NATO has to fight Russia. The ruskiesare so hard up for IFVs that they are using 70 year old vehicles that are basically just tractors with no protection at all for the troops. One drone could send 10 soldiers to hell.

No doubt America would destroy Russia in a conventional war, the issue is if they'd have the stomach for it even if Russia starts it. Personally, I'm starting to doubt what America + Western Europe's response would be if Russia started anything with the Baltic countries and I mean no disrespect but Russia would make quick work of the Baltics.

shavenferret said:

Waiting to hear about the results of this security agreement. Ukraine is going to tell them what help would be ideal and swedennis going to let them know how they can help. I'd love to hear about sweden supplying u(raine with the Gripen, and news should come this or next week. We'll have to see..

Should be similar to the agreements with United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, and Latvia.