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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Demoted Shoigu Suffers Fresh Humiliation in China

"Days after his removal from the defense minister post he held for over a decade, Sergei Shoigu faced a delayed entry into a Chinese government building because its security staff were not happy with his pass, it has been reported.

Shoigu had helped spearhead Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the role he had since 2012 before his boss surprised many by replacing him on Sunday May 12 with Andrei Belousov, an economist with little military experience.

Shoigu in turn has been appointed secretary of Russia's Security Council and while still a big job, it is seen by many as a demotion from the high-profile role he held as one of the faces of the war that Putin started."

Last edited by BFR - on 18 May 2024

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That's not a lot of F-16s, and we have plenty to spare.


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BFR said:

That's not a lot of F-16s, and we have plenty to spare.

Yeah, it's not a lot, the US has hundreds alone, unfortunately the US has yet to pledge a single one. Practically everything that Ukraine needs, the West has fallen far short on and they've never really asked for much, at least, not much in the context of a war against a global superpower.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 May 2024

Some contradictions.

Doesn't seem like all have adequate supply but things are improving.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 May 2024

Russia accuses Kiev of attacking it with French guided bombs

Russia on Saturday accused the Kiev regime of attacking it with French guided bombs in the Russian region of Belgorod, which borders Ukraine. "An attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks with the use of French-made Hammer guided bombs and American-made HARM anti-radar missiles against targets on Russian territory has been prevented," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Live, War In Ukraine: The Latest Information

They're almost certainly lying but it just goes to show that Russia already publicly accuses Ukraine of using western weapons on Russian soil and what do they do to France? Nothing. To Ukraine? Same as always. There's zero reason to have the restriction on Ukraine if Russia is already accusing Ukraine of doing so and doing nothing about it.


A similar decision was taken on the same day against Deutsche Bank, Germany's number one bank, with the St. Petersburg arbitration court ordering the seizure of its real estate, securities and accounts for an amount of 238.6 million euros.

Live, War In Ukraine: The Latest Information

Two European banks had their assets seized by Russia now, amounting to 701.3 million euros in total.