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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on April 7 that Ukraine will lose the war against Russia if the U.S. Congress fails to approve military aid to Ukraine.

That will sadly probably just embolden the MAGA Republicans to block every further aid to Ukraine.

I just hope Europe is getting ready in time to take over the military support to Ukraine without any US support.

Marjorie Greene is probably getting giddy at the thought of more dead Ukrainian men, women and children.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 April 2024

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The Baltic States really going above and beyond, if everyone in Europe matched their contributions then Russia wouldn't stand a chance.

Ryuu96 said:

Yeah, what if they stop attacking and Biden loses anyway?

Tbh I still think Biden wins, I believe women will come out strong against Republicans this election thanks to them attacking abortion, along with black voters likely largely going to Biden and Trump in 2024 is weaker than Trump in 2020, he is the incumbent who lost, a loser, there are silent Republicans who will still vote for him though because "Dems bad!" but I think Trump's fanbase is slowly shrinking to just the craziest of the bunch.

Democrats have also been overperforming in special elections, I think Dems take back House and control Presidency.

My fear is that Democrats over performance in these special elections are a bit of a red herring. Generally the people who vote in those have an interest in actual politics and policy, which definitely skews heavily to Dems. Let's face it, most of MAGA don't have a clue about policy & are likely oblivious to the existence of these special elections.

They'll unfortunately be all too aware of the Presidential election though... It's kinda like the Superbowl or World Cup final, you get people watching that otherwise have no clue or interest in the sport.

I hope I'm wrong.

Biden is also playing a dangerous game with the Israel situ. There are already a bunch of progressive commentators (Krystal Ball & Ana Kasparian spring to mind) coming out saying that they just can't vote for Biden, for green-lighting what they perceive to be a genocide.

Biggerboat1 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yeah, what if they stop attacking and Biden loses anyway?

Tbh I still think Biden wins, I believe women will come out strong against Republicans this election thanks to them attacking abortion, along with black voters likely largely going to Biden and Trump in 2024 is weaker than Trump in 2020, he is the incumbent who lost, a loser, there are silent Republicans who will still vote for him though because "Dems bad!" but I think Trump's fanbase is slowly shrinking to just the craziest of the bunch.

Democrats have also been overperforming in special elections, I think Dems take back House and control Presidency.

My fear is that Democrats over performance in these special elections are a bit of a red herring. Generally the people who vote in those have an interest in actual politics and policy, which definitely skews heavily to Dems. Let's face it, most of MAGA don't have a clue about policy & are likely oblivious to the existence of these special elections.

They'll unfortunately be all too aware of the Presidential election though... It's kinda like the Superbowl or World Cup final, you get people watching that otherwise have no clue or interest in the sport.

I hope I'm wrong.

Biden is also playing a dangerous game with the Israel situ. There are already a bunch of progressive commentators (Krystal Ball & Ana Kasparian spring to mind) coming out saying that they just can't vote for Biden, for green-lighting what they perceive to be a genocide.

Maybe, I'm not sure which way special elections tend to lean in terms of turnout but mostly pointing out how the polls have completely underestimated Democrats lately and some of them make absolutely no sense, like Trump somehow getting 20-30% of black voters which would be more than double his 2020 %, I also think the women voting % in polls is skewing way too higher in favour of Trump.

Issues we've seen so far is lower turnout on Republicans side, annoyance at Republicans for blocking the border bills and women enraged about Roe vs Wade. I do agree that Biden is being reckless with Israel situation and I hate how much Biden is supporting Netanyahu but I don't believe it will have much of an affect on the election. I also don't expect Ukraine to have much sway on voting. Biden should focus on improving things in Gaza though.

MAGA don't have a clue about policy but you'd think given their previous history they'd just vote Republican anyway.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 April 2024

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Also RFK needs to fuck off and drop out the race, dude knows he stands no chance but also knows he's a spoiler candidate who will take votes away from Biden because somehow this weirdo lunatic is siphoning Dem voters, maybe his name only? JFK rolling in his grave. Luckily the more he talks, the more insane he shows himself to be, that should put off any Dems from voting for him instead of Biden.

Lately some polls are swinging in Biden's favour but again, whether they say Trump or Biden, I'm basically ignoring them all, far too early to pay attention to, though curious how some news outlets tend to ignore the positive polls in Biden's favour and keep screaming about the negative ones. Don't lose faith Americans, get those Republican fuckers out.

I think some mainstream media wants Trump back because it's good for their ratings. 🙃

Ryuu96 said:

Also RFK needs to fuck off and drop out the race, dude knows he stands no chance but also knows he's a spoiler candidate who will take votes away from Biden because somehow this weirdo lunatic is siphoning Dem voters, maybe his name only? JFK rolling in his grave. Luckily the more he talks, the more insane he shows himself to be, that should put off any Dems from voting for him instead of Biden.

Lately some polls are swinging in Biden's favour but again, whether they say Trump or Biden, I'm basically ignoring them all, far too early to pay attention to, though curious how some news outlets tend to ignore the positive polls in Biden's favour and keep screaming about the negative ones. Don't lose faith Americans, get those Republican fuckers out.

I think some mainstream media wants Trump back because it's good for their ratings. 🙃

There's a silver lining from the RFK presidency: he's also stealing non-MAGA republicans who simply can't stomach voting for Trump, because, let's face it, with his political positions he's basically a republican, but with a green bent on ecology. As such, he's a spoiler candidate for both parties.

Plus, most states where he has ballot access are either safe democratic or safe republican states, with just Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia being really swing states - and apart from Pennsylvania, his ballot access isn't guaranteed yet in those states, as certification is still pending.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 08 April 2024


March Fundraising Numbers Show Biden Significantly Outpacing Trump : NPR

As President Joe Biden visited five cities in a multiday trip last week, former President Donald Trump was hardly seen in public, spending most of his time in South Florida.

Election 2024: As Biden Visits Swing States, Trump is Fundraising and Playing Golf | AP News

RNC are going to drain their cash to pay Trump's legal fees with his corrupt family in charge.

Nepotism FTW!

Idk but I feel like Trump's campaigning has been anaemic so far and only appealing to his most devote of supporters, I think people need a reminder of how much of a piece of shit he is though and for Biden to whoop the floor with him in a few debates, again. Dems needs to bang on about abortion, that has been a killer blow to Republicans lately and they can't help themselves but keep talking about how they want to take women's rights away, idiots, also mention how it's Republicans blocking border bills, America's economy seems stable for the most part.

Biden needs to tell Netanyahu to piss off too, block offensive aid to Israel. He's being played so hard by Netanyahu, Netanyahu would definitely prefer Trump as president so he doesn't give a shit what Biden says, he doesn't respect America, he will escalate and escalate, I've no doubt in my mind that the Israeli's intentionally bombed the aid workers. Send all offensive aid to Ukraine instead, fuck Netanyahu.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 April 2024

Russian oil trading at 86 dollars a barrel now, up from 81 dollars when I posted on this last week. Check that link for the graph. They will be at 100 dollars per barrel very soon, mark my words.

It's working.

Also funny considering...

In November 2022, political analyst Dmitry Drobnitsky appeared on top propagandist Vladimir Solovyov's television show and said that Kazakhstan could pose a threat to Russia. "Let's note that the next problem [after Ukraine] is Kazakhstan because the same Nazi processes that were happening in Ukraine could begin there," Drobnitsky said.

Don't do it Kazakhstan, Russia will pretend to be your ally now but not in the future.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 April 2024