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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

BFR said:
Ryuu96 said:

Ahh...The VDV...One of the most overhyped units ever...They'll need a rename after this war.

They're no different than the "Immortals" of the Persian Empire.  Those idiots used shields made of wicker against the Greeks shields of bronze.

Bad comparison, as the Immortals were the only one that the Greeks considered a challenge and an honor to fight against. Their shields were lighter due to a different tactic and because the Greek aspis shield at the time was simply a ground-breaking design with the non-centered grip (it had an arm strap at that spot instead, so it was doubly fixated and worn at the arm instead held in the hand, making it much easier to wield for it's weight). 

Around the Network

Lord Cameron has ruled out Western troops being sent into Ukraine to deal with the continuing war with Russia.

The foreign secretary acknowledged that the "war will be lost if the allies don't step up" on the BBC's Ukrainecast podcast.

But asked whether Western nations should send troops into Ukraine, Lord Cameron replied "no"

Cameron Rules Out Western Boots on the Ground in Ukraine - BBC News

None of these morons understand the concept of strategic ambiguity do they?

Just completely shit over Macron's strategy because they pissed their pants in fear.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 April 2024

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Alleged IS Militants in Russia's North Caucasus Were Killed in a Shootout With Security Services | AP News | 03.03.2024

Russia Kills 49 Islamist Militants in North Caucasus | 21.10.2012

More Than 30 Accomplices of IS Terrorists Detained in Ingushetia | Society News | Izvestia | 22.03.2024

ISIS: We did it.

Is anyone actually dumb enough to buy this shit? Lol.

Exclusive: Iran Alerted Russia to Security Threat Before Moscow Attack | Reuters

If this is true then I'm even more convinced that Putin let it happen or didn't care, it's one thing to stupidly ignore America's warnings but to also ignore the warnings of Iran, their ally, suggests they either simply didn't care or knew they could try to use it as propaganda against Ukraine.

Seems the Putinic Russist regime is taking more than a few pages out of the Nazi book. But they’re handling it with the elegance of a drunken sailor with hooks for feet and pegs for arms.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

BFR said:

Great news! Very glad to hear this and thanks for sharing