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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

After the 20 other red lines that you already gave us?

Oh the horror! We're in real trouble now guys!

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Greece probably won't do much because they use everything they have as deterrence against Erdogan and Turkey.

Pavel misspoke...

Edit - Maybe not.

Pavel had last month said 500,000 rounds of 155-calibre ammunition and 300,000 rounds of 122-calibre ammunition were available and could be delivered with secured funding.

He could have meant the 300,000 rounds of 122, that batch is complete, now they need to secure the financing of the 500,000 rounds of 155.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 March 2024

Ryuu96 said:

Sorry but calling for an end on discussions on the subject is pathetic, you have no right to forbid the discussion, Berlin. Multiple NATO countries haven't ruled it out even if it isn't happening right now, the discussion should remain open, Germany just looks like they want to shut everyone down, how democratic...I don't see France moving forward with such a move without Germany being onboard though. I'd support France as a Brit, UK and France after America are the two main protectors of Europe since we're the only ones with nukes, I say we step up and lead.

Pistorius is an SPD guy (social democrats), so this is business as usual. Right after Germany had given green light for tanks, the SPD said they don't want to hear about F-16s or other jets. However, their "no" to discussions doesn't stop anyone in Germany, so it's a hollow phrase with even less value than "as long as it takes."

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Even if it doesn't happen, these sorts of ambiguous statements are probably useful, in that they're probably putting at least a little doubt and fear into Russia, leaving them guessing about NATO's next move, it's at least better than Germany's definitive stance of "Everyone shut up! Stop talking about it! We aren't doing it!"

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European diplomats are urging NATO member nations to prepare for the possibility of the United States withdrawing from NATO if former President Donald Trump returns to the White House. Concerns have arisen regarding American support for Ukraine and the commitment to NATO in the event of Trump's reelection. The former president has previously suggested encouraging Russia to attack NATO members who do not meet their financial obligations, and there are predictions that he might seek to withdraw from the alliance.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 March 2024

France is building an alliance of countries open to potentially sending Western troops to Ukraine — and in the process deepening its clash with a more cautious Berlin.

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné was in Lithuania on Friday, where he met his Baltic and Ukrainian counterparts to buttress the idea that foreign troops could end up helping Ukraine in areas like demining.

"It is not for Russia to tell us how we should help Ukraine in the coming months or years," Séjourné said at a meeting chaired by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis and attended by his Ukrainian counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba. "It is not for Russia to organize how we deploy our actions, or to set red lines. So we decide it among us."

Séjourné repeatedly referred to mine clearance operations as a possibility, saying it "might mean having some personnel, [but] not to fight."

The meeting comes as Ukraine is suffering from an artillery ammunition shortage that is making it difficult to halt the fury of Russian attacks.

"Ukraine did not ask us to send troops. Ukraine is asking us to send ammunition at the moment," the French minister said. "We do not exclude anything for the coming months."

The Baltic ministers praised France for "thinking out of the box."

French President Emmanuel Macon last month raised the possibility that Western soldiers may have to be sent to Ukraine; immediately afterward most European countries — including Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland — said they had no such plans. However, the three Baltic countries — the most exposed to any Russian attack should Moscow succeed in its war against Ukraine — are much more open to the idea.

Warsaw is also shifting position.

"The presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable," Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said on Friday in Poland, adding that he appreciated Macron's initiative, "because it is about [Russian President Vladimir] Putin being afraid, not us being afraid of Putin."

Séjourné raised concerns about Moscow setting its sights on the Baltic countries, which used to be part of the Soviet empire but are now members of the EU and NATO.

Lithuania's Landsbergis echoed Séjourné.

"There cannot be any 'buts.' We must draw red lines for Russia, not ourselves. No form of support for Ukraine can be excluded. We need to continue supporting Ukraine wherever it's most needed," he said.

Although Germany is by far the largest European military aid donor to Ukraine, it has come under fierce pressure for its reluctance to send Kyiv long range Taurus cruise missiles for fear of provoking Moscow. Kuleba took a subtle swipe at that reticence on Friday.

"I'm personally fed up with the ... fear of escalation," he said. "Our problem is that we still have people who think of this war in terms of the fear of escalation."

Kuleba continued: "What kind of escalation are you afraid of? What else has to happen to Ukraine for you to understand that this fear is useless? What do you expect Putin to do? 'Well I sent tanks but I did not send the missiles or troops, so maybe you'll be nicer to me than to others?' That's not how Putin thinks, that's not how he treats Europe."

France Finds Baltic Allies In Its Spat With Germany Over Ukraine Troop Deployment – POLITICO

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 March 2024

Hope to see the UK also join France.

Ukraine is Europe, Europe is already at war with Russia, even beyond Ukraine, Russia has been waging a hybrid war against Europe for years, trying to interfere with our elections, trying to destroy the very fabric of democracy in Europe because Russia has none and can't allow people to believe they're free, Russia has been fucking with us for years and taking Ukraine will only make them grow bolder.

Putin only understands one thing (strength) and he is driven by one thing (violent expansion), what is more likely to happen, the psychopath grows arrogant after he takes Ukraine, believing that Russia just defeated NATO and NATO wouldn't come to the protection of the Baltic States and thus he goes for them next, as every fucking imperialist in our history shows, they aren't stopped by any other means than brute force.

Putin won't stop with Ukraine so the question is, do we stop Russia in Ukraine or do we stop them in our own garden? This has Nazi Germany vibes all over it, how about we learn from that and take down the bad guy before they reach our lands this time, yeah? Although UK would be safe, I don't want to see anymore countries turned to rubble by Russia, I would want us to defend our allies.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 March 2024

BFR said:

It would be amazing if true but unfortunately without being able to see inside the building, it's impossible to verify unless Russia themselves confirm it, I need visual confirmation for this one because losing yet another A-50 would be utterly insane, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 March 2024