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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Probably best to assume at this point that Ukraine won't receive American aid until after the election.

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drkohler said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yeah, the nuke in space would be for use on satellites, not on Earth.

Lol no. For this you use small rockets. Price of nuke: tens of $Millions, price of rocket: less than $1000.

You do not explode a nuke in outer space, you either drop it onto an area, casing destruction or you exlode the nuke inside the upper atmosphere, trying to NEMP military defence objects (which, by now, people know how to protect against NEMPs).

A rocket would take out one satellite (though debris could incapacitate others, even spiraling up into a chain reaction called the Kessler syndrome that takes out all the satellites in that orbit), while a nuke would take out many at once. It also has the advantage of not cluttering the orbit with debris, which, as the Kessler Syndrome describes, could make space launches unviable as the risks of getting blown up during the ascend (and thus creating even more debris) would be just too big for centuries to come.

While satellites are protected against radiation to some degree, a NEMP would overwhelm them as adequate protection against those would simply weigh too much. Most are actually much more protected against radiation by the magnetosphere than by any onboard protection.

Also, a rocket that can reach space, even launched from a high speed high-flying plane, doesn't come for anywhere near that cheap

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 15 February 2024

Ryuu96 said:
BFR said:


Russian Navy Commander 'Sacked' After Third of Black Sea Fleet Lost

Lol. Ain't this like the 3rd or 4th sacking of the Black Sea Fleet?

Sacking them ain't going to save your ships, Russia.

This begs the question: Is Ukraine better at sinking Russian ships or sinking (the careers) of Russian admirals?

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Also, a rocket that can reach space, even launched from a high speed high-flying plane, doesn't come for anywhere near that cheap


Where do you think your nuke comes from? From the same place the rockets come from.

Read all about Reagan's Strategic Defence Initiative and where things come from. Again, rockets cost a tiny fraction of a nuke. This is really just rehashed stuff from 1983, and we even don't know where SDI stands now and in the future.

Avdiivka is basically lost.

"Fierce fighting is taking place within the city. Our troops are using all available forces and means to deter the enemy. New positions have been prepared and powerful fortifications continue to be prepared for all possible scenarios. We value every piece of Ukrainian land, but the highest value and priority for us is to save the lives of Ukrainian soldiers. The Avdiivka defense operation continues. Our soldiers continue to destroy the occupier's army and grind the enemy's resources and reserves, which he throws into battle without regret."

Reportedly they've pulled out from most of the city and the 3rd was sent in to secure their retreat, so it won't be another Bakhmut.

Still, Avdiivka was a tactically significant city, largely due to its proximity to Donetsk city, losing Avdiivka relieves pressure on the Russians in Donetsk and I'm not sure where they'll make their next line of defence, they've held the city for years, it would have likely fell eventually but you can thank Republicans for it falling even quicker than it should have.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 February 2024

Around the Network
drkohler said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Also, a rocket that can reach space, even launched from a high speed high-flying plane, doesn't come for anywhere near that cheap


Where do you think your nuke comes from? From the same place the rockets come from.

Read all about Reagan's Strategic Defence Initiative and where things come from. Again, rockets cost a tiny fraction of a nuke. This is really just rehashed stuff from 1983, and we even don't know where SDI stands now and in the future.

"Again, rockets cost a tiny fraction of a nuke."

You are dead wrong.  It all depends upon the size of the rocket and the size of the nuke.

For example, a US Delta 4 Heavy rocket costs $300m easily, an Atlas 5 costs $165m, a Falcon 9 costs $80m.

Yes, an ICBM or SLBM costs more than those rockets, but a backpack (small) nuke costs a fraction of them.

Last edited by BFR - on 15 February 2024

Thought there was a possibility Tucker would ask tougher questions but it turned out into a history lecture from Putin


drkohler: "Where do you think your nuke comes from? From the same place the rockets come from."

One more thing, this statement is dead wrong also. In the USA, SpaceX builds its Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets in Hawthorne, CA. United Launch Alliance builds its Atlas 5, Delta 4, and Vulcan rockets in Decatur, AL.

Blue Origin is building its yet unflown New Glenn rocket in Cape Canaveral, FL...........However, all US nukes are assembled and disassembled at the Pantex plant in Amarillo, TX....and have been for years.

Last edited by BFR - on 15 February 2024

Russian Activist and Putin Critic Alexei Navalny Dies in Prison | Alexei Navalny | The Guardian

Oh who could have seen this coming! Putin's political rival who was conveniently sentenced on "fraud" charges, who was mysteriously poisoned with Novichok (who could have got that?!) and now has mysteriously died in prison under unknown circumstances, it's such a mystery! What could have happened?!

And this happens at the same time that we have fucking morons like Tucker Carlson in Russia right now saying about how amazing Russia is. Goes for those Western idiots constantly jumping to Putin's defence too. They either killed him or they let him die, as simple as that. During election season too, a nice sign to other political rivals not to challenge Putin.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 16 February 2024

I still don't understand why Nalvany went back to Russia.