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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

SecondWar said:
Ryuu96 said:

Meaning interest earned is automatically forfeited? Or something else?

This decision paves the way for the Council to decide on a possible establishment of a financial contribution to the EU budget raised on these net profits to support Ukraine and its recovery and reconstruction at a later stage. This financial contribution may be channeled through the EU budget to the Ukraine Facility on which the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on 6 February 2024.

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Also for the post above my last one - the thing about cancelled elections is something I've also started to see frequently elsewhere.
They are cancelled because its an inconceivable logistical impossibility to hold elections during times of all out war. Britain, for instance, did not hold elections throughout WW1 and only at the very end of WW2 when the threat to the British mainland was greatly reduced. The US held 2 presidential elections during WW2 but the war was fought well away from their mainland, making it feasible.
You can't realistically call an election when your country is fighting off an invasion.

Has Musk ever even visited Ukraine? Ever even spoken to a single soldier he is apparently defending?

What a coincidence, Elon Musk and Tucker both go on their offensive at the same time against Ukraine aid, using Twitter to amplify things, as soon as Tucker is done with his visit to Russia, coordinated just in time for the election season too, these two ain't nothing more but Russian mouthpieces, both clueless idiots.

SecondWar said:

Also for the post above my last one - the thing about cancelled elections is something I've also started to see frequently elsewhere.
They are cancelled because its an inconceivable logistical impossibility to hold elections during times of all out war. Britain, for instance, did not hold elections throughout WW1 and only at the very end of WW2 when the threat to the British mainland was greatly reduced. The US held 2 presidential elections during WW2 but the war was fought well away from their mainland, making it feasible.
You can't realistically call an election when your country is fighting off an invasion.

Yeah, anyone with a single brain cell knows this, otherwise they're fighting for Russian interests.

How about mentioning all the rigged Russian elections whilst Russia wasn't at war? How about mentioning all of Putin's political opponents either being imprisoned, dead or having "anomalies" in their entries? How about Putin changing the constitution so he could rule for longer? Oh all that is fine, but Ukraine not holding fucking elections during a full scale invasion is beyond the pale.

Would be stupid to hold elections right now, Ukraine needs stability, totally hypocritical when many countries haven't held elections during wartime. There's challenges in security, legislation and funding, Zelenskyy did say that he would be open to holding elections if the West fully funds it as Ukraine cannot afford to waste money on elections right now.

Martial law would have to be changed to allow elections, constitutional changes. Security can't be guaranteed and millions of Ukrainians have fled abroad, thousands are under Russian occupation, soldiers won't be able to vote, citizens won't be able to vote safely unless it's 100% online voting, the schools used for polling stations are destroyed, the voter registry is outdated.

Holding secure and free elections under the current climate is just near impossible.

According to the International Institute of Sociology, 80% of Ukrainians wanted to have elections only after the war has ended. Zelenskky is if anything more open minded about it than others, MPs from both the opposition and ruling parties in Ukraine have repeatedly said it's wrong to hold elections anytime soon. Zelenskyy seems to if anything be bowing to a little pressure from western idiots.

Pretty sure he can't just ignore it if it passes Senate, can he? Lol.

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Lol. That wanted list.

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And that'll just be the start.

A court in St. Petersburg sentenced an Afghan journalist. Now she faces deportation to her homeland, where she may be killed by the Taliban

A court in St. Petersburg sentenced Afghan journalist and activist Kobra Hassani to 2 years in prison in a case of attempted illegal border crossing. She now faces deportation to her home country.

In Afghanistan, Hassani worked as a human rights activist and TV journalist. She also had her own restaurant where she promoted reading culture. In 2021, she criticized the new Taliban regime and left for Ukraine. After the war broke out, she ended up in Russian territory at a migration center. The young woman complained of systematic bullying.

Musk arguing how this should end and how Ukraine should just give Russia what they want while also complaining every day about Mexicans invading USA and how USA has to secure their border is such a facepalm. That logic... "another country stealing some of your territory and killing your people? No problem, just give them everything they want to end it! People from another country moving over the border to live in your country? This will destroy us!!! They rape and steal and murder Americans !!!"

And I'm not even saying that USA shouldn't try to do more to stop illegal immigration but you can't say how bad this is while arguing how everything will be better if you just give the invader what he wants in Ukraine. 

Ryuu96 said:

"There has been no change in the US-Mexican border for over a century, just lots of dead kids.

What kind of psycho wants that to continue?"

Corrected Musk's tweet