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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

FarleyMcFirefly said:

It seems like a deliberate failure of leadership on all sides, with malicious intent.
I pray for peace.

Jimmy getting his head dunked into the toilet repeatedly by Tommy, seems like a deliberate failure of leadership on all sides, with malicious intent. 

Perhaps if Jimmy had given his lunch money more willingly, Tommy would not have felt the need to bully him. 

I pray for peace. 

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FarleyMcFirefly said:

I feel compelled to make one last post after watching the full interview.
I was impressed by how Tucker conducted the interview, giving Putin push back during some questions. He pretty much called Putin a hypocrite, for claiming to be Christian as he is killing people. I also liked how at the end Tucker attempted to negotiate with Putin to free another American journalist.

I didn't like Putin's responses. I've seen people keep praising him for being able to recite history for half an hour, but he conveniently couldn't recollect the dates of his meetings with other world leaders (said to 'look it up online'). Also, he is a hypocrite. You cannot reconcile following Christ with what he is doing, no matter how you slice it.

I feel for all the innocent civilians who are caught up in this. It seems like a deliberate failure of leadership on all sides, with malicious intent.
I pray for peace.

Hopefully you'll grow as a person someday and don't remain like this for the rest of your life.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

FarleyMcFirefly said:

It seems like a Putin leadership is a failure on all sides, with deliberate and malicious intent.
I pray for peace.

Fixed it for you.

RolStoppable said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

I feel compelled to make one last post after watching the full interview.
I was impressed by how Tucker conducted the interview, giving Putin push back during some questions. He pretty much called Putin a hypocrite, for claiming to be Christian as he is killing people. I also liked how at the end Tucker attempted to negotiate with Putin to free another American journalist.

I didn't like Putin's responses. I've seen people keep praising him for being able to recite history for half an hour, but he conveniently couldn't recollect the dates of his meetings with other world leaders (said to 'look it up online'). Also, he is a hypocrite. You cannot reconcile following Christ with what he is doing, no matter how you slice it.

I feel for all the innocent civilians who are caught up in this. It seems like a deliberate failure of leadership on all sides, with malicious intent.
I pray for peace.

Hopefully you'll grow as a person someday and don't remain like this for the rest of your life.

One place where I need to grow is to learn not to care so much about what other people think. But this comment really bothered me. I knew I'd get steam rolled in this thread, because this site seems to have mostly left-leaning opinions.

Don't remain like what though? I am sorry (not sorry) that I don't automatically adhere to the approved narratives. I like to question everything. Can you say with 100% certainty that there is NO money laundering happening through the billions given to Ukraine? Can you say with 100% certainty that there are no bio-labs conducting gain of function research? Can you say with 100% certainty that there is no human trafficking going on in Ukraine? Is it really that simple as good guys vs bad guys? 


FarleyMcFirefly said:
RolStoppable said:

Hopefully you'll grow as a person someday and don't remain like this for the rest of your life.

One place where I need to grow is to learn not to care so much about what other people think. But this comment really bothered me. I knew I'd get steam rolled in this thread, because this site seems to have mostly left-leaning opinions.

Don't remain like what though? I am sorry (not sorry) that I don't automatically adhere to the approved narratives. I like to question everything. Can you say with 100% certainty that there is NO money laundering happening through the billions given to Ukraine? Can you say with 100% certainty that there are no bio-labs conducting gain of function research? Can you say with 100% certainty that there is no human trafficking going on in Ukraine? Is it really that simple as good guys vs bad guys? 

With your 100% certainty questions, I’d say 1) and 3) probably are happening to some degree and whilst it is important to guard against that, it equally is not an adequate reason to not aide in Ukraine’s defence.

2) however I would say isn’t happening and seems to come from a weird conspiracy theory that was doing the rounds at the start of the war.

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SecondWar said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

One place where I need to grow is to learn not to care so much about what other people think. But this comment really bothered me. I knew I'd get steam rolled in this thread, because this site seems to have mostly left-leaning opinions.

Don't remain like what though? I am sorry (not sorry) that I don't automatically adhere to the approved narratives. I like to question everything. Can you say with 100% certainty that there is NO money laundering happening through the billions given to Ukraine? Can you say with 100% certainty that there are no bio-labs conducting gain of function research? Can you say with 100% certainty that there is no human trafficking going on in Ukraine? Is it really that simple as good guys vs bad guys? 

With your 100% certainty questions, I’d say 1) and 3) probably are happening to some degree and whilst it is important to guard against that, it equally is not an adequate reason to not aide in Ukraine’s defence.

2) however I would say isn’t happening and seems to come from a weird conspiracy theory that was doing the rounds at the start of the war.

So they are happening to some degree, but you cannot know to which degree? What is the threshold of it being okay?
Saying that something is a conspiracy theory is just to write off questions. 


RolStoppable said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

I feel compelled to make one last post after watching the full interview.
I was impressed by how Tucker conducted the interview, giving Putin push back during some questions. He pretty much called Putin a hypocrite, for claiming to be Christian as he is killing people. I also liked how at the end Tucker attempted to negotiate with Putin to free another American journalist.

I didn't like Putin's responses. I've seen people keep praising him for being able to recite history for half an hour, but he conveniently couldn't recollect the dates of his meetings with other world leaders (said to 'look it up online'). Also, he is a hypocrite. You cannot reconcile following Christ with what he is doing, no matter how you slice it.

I feel for all the innocent civilians who are caught up in this. It seems like a deliberate failure of leadership on all sides, with malicious intent.
I pray for peace.

Hopefully you'll grow as a person someday and don't remain like this for the rest of your life.

Another thing I see someone say on one if the other forums I frequent is ‘play the ball, not the man’. The person who says it seems to be pro-Russia and comes out with this line when he gets abuse from Ukraine’s supporters.

Whilst I obviously don’t agree his pro-Russia views, I think this line in apt. It is far better to address his points and say why they are flawed and misguided than to make passive aggressive remarks.

The same is true of your comment to McFirefly.

SecondWar said:
RolStoppable said:

Hopefully you'll grow as a person someday and don't remain like this for the rest of your life.

Another thing I see someone say on one if the other forums I frequent is ‘play the ball, not the man’. The person who says it seems to be pro-Russia and comes out with this line when he gets abuse from Ukraine’s supporters.

Whilst I obviously don’t agree his pro-Russia views, I think this line in apt. It is far better to address his points and say why they are flawed and misguided than to make passive aggressive remarks.

The same is true of your comment to McFirefly.

Don't put words in my mouth. I never once said I was "pro-Russia", but these either-or fallacies are played out. Tell me, what exactly did I say that was pro Russia?
I guess you are pro money laundering and human trafficking then, as you admitted that it is probably happening.


FarleyMcFirefly said:
SecondWar said:

With your 100% certainty questions, I’d say 1) and 3) probably are happening to some degree and whilst it is important to guard against that, it equally is not an adequate reason to not aide in Ukraine’s defence.

2) however I would say isn’t happening and seems to come from a weird conspiracy theory that was doing the rounds at the start of the war.

So they are happening to some degree, but you cannot know to which degree? What is the threshold of it being okay?
Saying that something is a conspiracy theory is just to write off questions. 

True, I don’t know to what degree. But I have seen that the deliveries of weapons to Ukraine have made some level of tangible difference. Additionally there have been report embezzlement charges against Ukrainian officials so whilst there is some level of corruption it is being addressed where possible. So whilst there’s a problem it is not being ignored.

Furthermore , what is the result if aide to Ukraine just stops outright? That outcome is not desirable at all. So it seems far better to continue aide whilst also working to guard against corruption.

The biolabs thing I call a conspiracy theory as it was presented originally by Russia with no supporting evidence. I believe it also said the CIA sponsoring Ukraine  to create bio-weapons to use against ethnic Russians, but that notion was absurd given that Ukrainians are the same ethnic group as Russians so the bio-weapons would hurt Ukraine as well. To me that seems to have all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory.

SecondWar said:
FarleyMcFirefly said:

So they are happening to some degree, but you cannot know to which degree? What is the threshold of it being okay?
Saying that something is a conspiracy theory is just to write off questions. 

True, I don’t know to what degree. But I have seen that the deliveries of weapons to Ukraine have made some level of tangible difference. Additionally there have been report embezzlement charges against Ukrainian officials so whilst there is some level of corruption it is being addressed where possible. So whilst there’s a problem it is not being ignored.

Furthermore , what is the result if aide to Ukraine just stops outright? That outcome is not desirable at all. So it seems far better to continue aide whilst also working to guard against corruption.

The biolabs thing I call a conspiracy theory as it was presented originally by Russia with no supporting evidence. I believe it also said the CIA sponsoring Ukraine  to create bio-weapons to use against ethnic Russians, but that notion was absurd given that Ukrainians are the same ethnic group as Russians so the bio-weapons would hurt Ukraine as well. To me that seems to have all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory.

So if money laundering is probably happening, you just do not know to what degree, this means that the US government officials are lying, assuring the taxpayers that this is not happening. So if they are lying about that, how much more are they lying about? We will never know, because evil people are profiting majorly off of this war and do not want it to end. There is evil on all sides here, not just Russia.
