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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ryuu96 said:

Guessing this will be the tactic for the entire year, since American support looks unlikely in the near future.

Stay on the defensive, inflict as much damage as possible to the attackers, retreat when ratio isn't favourable and repeat, it'll mean we'll see Ukraine losing ground this year but ground is just ground, it can be retaken, lives and equipment are more important. From every encounter we've seen like this, where Russia is on the offensive and Ukraine is on the defensive, the Russian losses are almost always horrific in numbers.

Ukraine's offensive losses have been bad but on average not close to as bad as Russia's offensive losses.

But Russia has a lot of equipment so it'll take a while to see a noticeable impact.

I think there's three things at play here:

1. Soviet-era human wave doctrine tactics, which basically consist of throwing men and equipment at the ennemy until he retreats or gives up, and

2. A general "we have more reserves than you do" mentality combined with a low valuation on human lives.

3. A need to hurry before the west gets their shit together and arms Ukraine to the teeth, at which point all would be lost for little Poutine.

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Interesting diagram and thanks for sharing. 

BFR said:


Happy to share to a bot.

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Partners don't do these things. And I am questioning whether they are a trusted ally for our (visa) waiver program," he told a news conference.

"Hungary's inaction risks irrevocably damaging its relationship with the United States and with NATO," Senators Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, and Thom Tillis, a Republican said in a statement.

US lawmakers want pressure on Hungary to back Sweden's NATO membership | Reuters

The main news today is something we have all been waiting for and working on for months on various levels: two more air defense systems have arrived in Ukraine. Naturally, all details should not be made public. But these are the systems capable of intercepting everything. We will protect regions. There are not yet enough systems in place to fully protect Ukraine, but we are working on it every day. I am grateful to our partners who help us strengthen Ukraine’s air defense and protect lives.

Czechs want EU to shop abroad for Ukraine shells – POLITICO

In a separate statement, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat and chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, raised the prospect of imposing sanctions on Hungary for its conduct, and called Orbán “the least reliable member of NATO.”

US lawmakers call on Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán to immediately approve Sweden's NATO membership | AP News

Funny to see America is sick of Hungary's shit now as well.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 February 2024

Tucker Carlson currently in Moscow...Ready for the totally unbiased "Russia is innocent" interview?

In an ideal world, Russia would conscript him.