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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

SecondWar said:
crissindahouse said:

Well, Russia still has enough of it but they obviously can't throw everything on Ukraine and need to have some of their jets, tanks, helicopters spread around the country for defense purposes. Ukraine on the other hand can use everything they have just for this war (ok they also need some of it at the boarder to Belarus)

The support just can't freeze or stop from any country. Russia increased their military budged enormous for next year

They also need some (albeit a smaller amount) on the border with Moldova to cover the risk of the Russian troops stationed in Transnistria launching an attack.

That said, I think it only something like 1500 troops Russia has in Transnistria and its not like they can bolster or resupply that garrison. Would ultimately be more a raid or diversion if they did attack but still something Ukraine needs to keep an eye on.

Honestly Transnistria attacking would likely benefit Ukraine long term, Ukraine has straight up told Moldova multiple times before that they would sort out Transnistria for them. The troops stationed in Transnistria are nothing more than a bunch of minor annoyances with limited support, cut off and all neatly packed together, Ukraine would make quick work of them with a couple of HIMARS strikes and then can finally move shit away from the Transnistria border.

Moldova doesn't want that of course because they are afraid of conflict spilling over into the rest of Moldova, and Russia would probably whine at Moldova and accuse them of helping Ukraine attack Russia and then start trying to bully Moldova too. Also IIRC a lot of ammo is packed in Transnistria so the explosions could be huge and devastating.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

Around the Network

‘B**ch, these was zero alert.’
‘Today the FSB guys (‘фЭбэры’) told something happened at night.’ - ‘To ‘tell’ is one thing… They want me to be wounded by a shrapnel instantly...’
‘Asoshky (ASO flare dispensers) are joining’ – ‘Fuel tanks as well.’

Helis are on fire!’ – ‘I see!’ – “Kashka (KA-52) was burned.’
‘It was f*****g precise!’
‘More ASOs are coming.’
‘There’s going to be a #$%^&* debriefing tomorrow.’
‘(counting the burning helis) Look: one, two, three...’
‘Be careful, ammo will start to work now.’

‘2 Eights (Mi-8). Do they have S-8? (Soviet unguided rockets)’ – ‘No, it’s been a while since they don’t.’
‘What is it? A Four (Mi-24) is burning?’ – ‘Yes.’

‘No information, no withdrawal, [commanders] just hung up their phones, nothing.’
(Flares are impressively shoot out) ‘PP-ishki are joining (PPI Infrared Decoy Flares)’
‘Aaand here goes the ammo’ – ‘What side this helicopter is facing?’ – ‘Fours (Mi-24s) are facing that way.’

(Big explosion) ‘Damn, ammo is ‘working’ right on them (helis)’
(Man counting burning helis) ‘1, 2, 3, 4’
‘Something is flying! F***k, it’s 8 (Mi-8). F***k it (running away in panic and losing his sleeper on the way).

(Entering the tent) ‘B**ch, f*****g ammo. You can’t leave the [fuel] tanks just like this.’
‘High guys! (to the soldiers in a tent called up just like them) There’s 4-5 aircrafts (burning/destroyed)’

Look at this fuckwit, our "ally" in the EU and NATO. While blocking EU aid packages.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2023

Putin said in an interview with CCTV that Xi Jinping is a recognized leader in the world and a true world leader, different from those "temporary workers".

Hmhm. Boot never tasted so good for Putin.

(This is a fake image Btw, Lmao).

Man I hope Russia will enjoy being China's vassal state.

Around the Network

That's a lot of tanks recorded in a day.

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Ryuu96 said:

Look at this fuckwit, our "ally" in the EU and NATO. While blocking EU aid packages.

I just can't believe how Rheinmetall opened a factory there to build the Lynx, one of the most modern fighting vehicles the West has. If Russia doesn't get a lot of secret documents from there it would be a wonder. Orban will love to send Putin anything they can get out of this. 

Pishchanivka is a key town. It is the western end of the entire Russian defence line in the west. If the Ukranians can get the town, they can try to (and certainly will) roll up the Russian defence lines heading NE, piece by piece.

It's just a raid, Ukraine keeps making these small raids in Kherson and Russians keep panicking for no reason, albeit these raids appear to be getting deeper but there's really no safe or easy way for Ukraine to get heavy armour across so there's little chance it will turn into something bigger, it'd be a very high risk move if they did try to move heavy armour across.