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‘B**ch, these was zero alert.’
‘Today the FSB guys (‘фЭбэры’) told something happened at night.’ - ‘To ‘tell’ is one thing… They want me to be wounded by a shrapnel instantly...’
‘Asoshky (ASO flare dispensers) are joining’ – ‘Fuel tanks as well.’

Helis are on fire!’ – ‘I see!’ – “Kashka (KA-52) was burned.’
‘It was f*****g precise!’
‘More ASOs are coming.’
‘There’s going to be a #$%^&* debriefing tomorrow.’
‘(counting the burning helis) Look: one, two, three...’
‘Be careful, ammo will start to work now.’

‘2 Eights (Mi-8). Do they have S-8? (Soviet unguided rockets)’ – ‘No, it’s been a while since they don’t.’
‘What is it? A Four (Mi-24) is burning?’ – ‘Yes.’

‘No information, no withdrawal, [commanders] just hung up their phones, nothing.’
(Flares are impressively shoot out) ‘PP-ishki are joining (PPI Infrared Decoy Flares)’
‘Aaand here goes the ammo’ – ‘What side this helicopter is facing?’ – ‘Fours (Mi-24s) are facing that way.’

(Big explosion) ‘Damn, ammo is ‘working’ right on them (helis)’
(Man counting burning helis) ‘1, 2, 3, 4’
‘Something is flying! F***k, it’s 8 (Mi-8). F***k it (running away in panic and losing his sleeper on the way).

(Entering the tent) ‘B**ch, f*****g ammo. You can’t leave the [fuel] tanks just like this.’
‘High guys! (to the soldiers in a tent called up just like them) There’s 4-5 aircrafts (burning/destroyed)’