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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Someone needs to photoshop Prigozhin screaming "SHOIGU! GERASIMOV!" with Hell as the backdrop.

Can't get anymore Igor cope since he's rotting in prison.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

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Today, the Ukrainian parliament passed the bill on politically exposed persons, which is required for our EU accession talks. Our goal is to open them this year. We’re doing our part and will complete it. The political decision of EU leaders to open the talks will thereafter be anticipated. My special gratitude today goes to the US. Our agreements with President Biden are working. And precisely so. ATACMS have proven themselves.

Ryuu96 said:

at the end those guys are laughing. So they either think it's funny and hope that those hits could mean an earlier end of this war or they are just insane to laugh about something which they think is bad for them. 

Imagine an airfield in Germany, UK, USA or wherever hit that hard and (I believe they are soldiers?) around it laugh? WTF

GLSDB is next, aiming to be sent to Ukraine this Winter. They'll be nowhere safe for Russians except the ass end of Crimea. Their AD will be at risk all over, which has already been hit by Storm Shadow, Neptune, etc. Russians will be forced to move their logistics back once again thanks to a combination of missiles. Their logistical lines will be stretched further, allowing Ukraine to be more comfortable in attacks by land and air. Ukraine will have more warning time for bombers lobbing missiles at them and it will take longer for helicopters to assist Russian troops.

And they only have a limited number of Jets, Helicopters, AD, etc. Replacing those are a whole different ball game to replacing artillery, they're way harder to replace not only in complexity but also way more expensive and reliant upon Western parts to build so we need to make sure we're throttling them there. I hope this Winter we send Ukraine more AD, a couple more IRIS-T's, Patriots, etc. Whilst at the same time sending Ukraine further long-range missiles and make this Winter a living hell for every Russian still occupying Ukraine.

Give them a taste of what they put Ukraine through in Winter 2022.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

Good to see some movement on the equipment front again.
Ukraine even showed off their new toys with a bang!

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At this rate, Ukraine will have a bigger Airforce than Russia next year

Bofferbrauer2 said:

At this rate, Ukraine will have a bigger Airforce than Russia next year

Well, Russia still has enough of it but they obviously can't throw everything on Ukraine and need to have some of their jets, tanks, helicopters spread around the country for defense purposes. Ukraine on the other hand can use everything they have just for this war (ok they also need some of it at the boarder to Belarus)

The support just can't freeze or stop from any country. Russia increased their military budged enormous for next year

crissindahouse said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

At this rate, Ukraine will have a bigger Airforce than Russia next year

Well, Russia still has enough of it but they obviously can't throw everything on Ukraine and need to have some of their jets, tanks, helicopters spread around the country for defense purposes. Ukraine on the other hand can use everything they have just for this war (ok they also need some of it at the boarder to Belarus)

The support just can't freeze or stop from any country. Russia increased their military budged enormous for next year

They also need some (albeit a smaller amount) on the border with Moldova to cover the risk of the Russian troops stationed in Transnistria launching an attack.

That said, I think it only something like 1500 troops Russia has in Transnistria and its not like they can bolster or resupply that garrison. Would ultimately be more a raid or diversion if they did attack but still something Ukraine needs to keep an eye on.