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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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IMO, If there's a path to reduce the length of this war, it will be by setting conditions where the Russians are baited and keep trying to push and blunder in costly offensives. If conditions are set for Russia to be solely on the defensive it might just make a costlier / longer path until Ukraine finally prevails.

Last edited by EpicRandy - on 13 October 2023

I recognized that Germany is sending a lot of SatComBw Terminals to Ukraine lately. I wonder if that's because of all the bullshit which happened with Musk and Starlink.

Otherwise really lackluster week of new equipment sent. 4x Bandvagn 206, some dozen drone sensors and some boarder patrol vehicles, Trucks and stuff like that...

North Korea sent Russia more than 1000! Containers full of weaponry in the last weeks alone after US information. Weaponry which Russia will use on the ground of another European country and the West is still scared of providing Ukraine with what they need to defend THEIR OWN ground.

"B..b...but Putin could be angry...."

I've seen a lot of shit these last 18 months.

But the sheer stupidity of RU actions in Avdiivka, Pisky area is astounding.

I've never seen such lack of disregard for soldiers. Running straight line human waves. Bodies stacked ontop of each other in fields, armor running over the deceased to get through.

The RU losses have to be extremely high. As in the thousands already and only from 3-4 days of fighting. And it's not just mobiks, it's vdv, dpr, & contract units. Just being thrown to slaughter in hopes Ukrainian positions run out of ammunition.

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It's funny how Russia apparently hasn't realised yet what the rest of the world realised back in World War I; 18th and 19th century charge tactics don't work well against machine guns.

S.Peelman said:

It's funny how Russia apparently hasn't realised yet what the rest of the world realised back in World War I; 18th and 19th century charge tactics don't work well against machine guns.

Truly is the only offensive tactic that Russia knows, they have the numbers so they don't care for the lives of their soldiers so just keep throwing endless waves of combatants at the enemy and hope sheer numbers overwhelm the enemy, pretty much their tactics since the Soviets. They'd be absolutely f*cking screwed as a country if they didn't have the number of bodies they do have.

It's frustrating to see Russia display that they don't give a single f*ck about the lives of their soldiers and yet still seeing Russians charge headfirst into their graves for Russia whilst at the same time whining that Russia doesn't care about them but not doing a thing about it. You'd think the smart thing to do now would be hunker down behind the defensive lines and wait for Ukraine to come to them but nope, we need to get a few kms extra of land no matter what.

Those blurred bodies...

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 October 2023

S.Peelman said:

It's funny how Russia apparently hasn't realised yet what the rest of the world realised back in World War I; 18th and 19th century charge tactics don't work well against machine guns.

And it sure didn't get better with the introduction of assault rifles, I imagine, because now almost every soldier has what is somewhat comparable to a machine gun. But what can you do if expending manpower is the only thing that you know that kind of works? Surely one does not simply consider it a lost cause, almost literally throwing away those lives is much better.