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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ukraine’s SBU Strikes Again: Drones Decimate Russian S-400 Triumf Defense System

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 October 2023

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The Armenian parliament ratified on Tuesday the Rome Statute with 60 votes in favor, 22 against and 0 abstentions.

ARMENPRESS Armenian News Agency

"France has given its agreement to the conclusion of future contracts with Armenia which will allow the delivery of military equipment to Armenia so that it can ensure its defence," she told reporters after talks that she said touched upon security and defence.

France Agrees to Deliver Military Equipment to Armenia

Warsaw and Kyiv announced on Tuesday they had agreed to speed up the transit of Ukrainian cereal exports through Poland to third countries. It is the first breakthrough since the start of a diplomatic spat between the two allies that was triggered when Poland imposed a ban on imports of Ukrainian grain.

Under Tuesday's agreement, which also involves Lithuania, some Ukrainian grain destined for world markets will transit directly through Poland without undergoing quality checks at the Polish border.

Ukraine | The Guardian

Ukraine has long been an industrial giant, producing heavy machinery and engines for Russian navy ships and military helicopters, along with armored vehicles, aircraft, and small arms. Many of those production facilities have been damaged in the war. Still, Ukrainian officials are looking to Western defense firms for commitments that they're willing to invest and build in Ukraine even before the fighting stops.

Two European defense contractors have already said they're in. Rheinmetall, a German arms giant, has said it would work with Ukraine's state arms company, Ukroboronprom, to build tanks and armored vehicles. British-based BAE has also announced it is opening an office in Kyiv and is looking into making 105mm guns in Ukraine.

France is one of the countries leaning forward on the co-production idea. Around 20 French business leaders accompanied the minister of the armed forces, Sébastien Lecornu, to Kyiv, joining representatives from over 250 companies spread across the U.S., Europe and Asia.

Czechia also flooded the event with a large delegation, reflecting the country's all-in approach to helping Kyiv beat back the Russian invasion. The largest defense firms in the country, also known as the Czech Republic, have for months employed Ukrainian workers in their factories, which are churning out night vision devices, ammunition, and other weapons in co-production deals with Ukrainian companies. One Czech official who attended the event said the goal is to move that production to Ukraine as soon as possible.

The attitude in Kyiv is that there is no choice but to find companies to help them do it themselves.

"Priority number one is that Ukraine will be self-reliant because even if the war finishes today, Ukraine will be a shield for Europe against future attempts by Russia," to grab territory or destabilize Europe, said Verkhniatskyi from COSA Intelligence Solutions. "It's just going to happen. The Russians are just simply going to be Russians forever."

‘It’s a Survival Issue’: Ukraine Looks to Arm Itself as Western Support Slips - POLITICO

"As part of the forum, Ukrainian companies signed 20 documents with foreign partners. These are agreements and memoranda on the drone manufacturing, repair and production of armoured vehicles and ammunition. Joint production, technology exchange, and component supply are among the cooperation formats."

38 Companies From 19 Countries Join Defence Industries Alliance | Ukrainska Pravda

"In addition to the question of geodata and possible personnel, German government representatives are also said to have expressed concern that the Kerch Bridge to the Crimean peninsula could be hit with Taurus cruise missiles. According to the information, there have been talks with British government representatives in recent weeks who wanted to convince Germany of the delivery. At the same time, the German side had expressed concrete concern that the bridge in Crimea could be destroyed with German weapons."


So F*cking What?!?!

How...Just how, are there countries still this cowardly after all this time, after everything we've seen, it's so frustrating.

Ukraine has to show the West for the 1,000th time that Russia is all bark and no bite. I swear Ukraine could drop a Storm Shadow on Moscow itself, on the fucking Kremlin, and even if Russia didn't do anything back to the UK, we'd still have some in the West like "but what about escalation!?!?!" in regards to sending certain weaponry.

How many times!

  • Supplying Ukraine and aiding Ukraine was a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Tanks were a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Long range cruise missiles were a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Storm Shadow, a UK missile, just destroyed a fucking Russian submarine.
  • Western equipment HAS entered Russia in the past, Russia did f*ck all about it.

How many goddamn Russian "red lines" does Ukraine have to show to the West that they mean f*ck all?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 October 2023

Around the Network

Hopefully UK and France have enough Storm Shadow/SCALP...

I will dream of the day when Storm Shadow punches a hole in that bridge for the illegal occupiers.

And watch as Russia does...absolutely nothing, again.

Here's what Russia does when challenged by a UK supplied cruise missile which destroy it's main HQ in the Black Sea Fleet and the crown jewel of Crimea.

Nothing. They run away. They retreat.

UK is still alive. Despite how many times Russia threatens us.

What will they do when the bridge blows up?

Answer: Nothing.

Russia is struggling to be the bully of the Black Sea when their Navy is being hammered by drones and missiles.

Ryuu96 said:

"In addition to the question of geodata and possible personnel, German government representatives are also said to have expressed concern that the Kerch Bridge to the Crimean peninsula could be hit with Taurus cruise missiles. According to the information, there have been talks with British government representatives in recent weeks who wanted to convince Germany of the delivery. At the same time, the German side had expressed concrete concern that the bridge in Crimea could be destroyed with German weapons."


So F*cking What?!?!

How...Just how, are there countries still this cowardly after all this time, after everything we've seen, it's so frustrating.

Ukraine has to show the West for the 1,000th time that Russia is all bark and no bite. I swear Ukraine could drop a Storm Shadow on Moscow itself, on the fucking Kremlin, and even if Russia didn't do anything back to the UK, we'd still have some in the West like "but what about escalation!?!?!" in regards to sending certain weaponry.

How many times!

  • Supplying Ukraine and aiding Ukraine was a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Tanks were a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Long range cruise missiles were a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Storm Shadow, a UK missile, just destroyed a fucking Russian submarine.
  • Western equipment HAS entered Russia in the past, Russia did f*ck all about it.

How many goddamn Russian "red lines" does Ukraine have to show to the West that they mean f*ck all?

The thing is...this is Scholz and if he's famous for anything than that he's the best on this planet for doing nothing regardless the topic. Some Germans even forget from time to time who our Bundeskanzler is because of how he's a specialist in hiding from anything. Fascinating to me how someone like him was able to climb the political ladder up to the top and doesn't just sit somewhere as mayor of a village with 500 people. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 04 October 2023

crissindahouse said:
Ryuu96 said:

"In addition to the question of geodata and possible personnel, German government representatives are also said to have expressed concern that the Kerch Bridge to the Crimean peninsula could be hit with Taurus cruise missiles. According to the information, there have been talks with British government representatives in recent weeks who wanted to convince Germany of the delivery. At the same time, the German side had expressed concrete concern that the bridge in Crimea could be destroyed with German weapons."


So F*cking What?!?!

How...Just how, are there countries still this cowardly after all this time, after everything we've seen, it's so frustrating.

Ukraine has to show the West for the 1,000th time that Russia is all bark and no bite. I swear Ukraine could drop a Storm Shadow on Moscow itself, on the fucking Kremlin, and even if Russia didn't do anything back to the UK, we'd still have some in the West like "but what about escalation!?!?!" in regards to sending certain weaponry.

How many times!

  • Supplying Ukraine and aiding Ukraine was a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Tanks were a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Long range cruise missiles were a red line, Russia was meant to punish us for that, they didn't.
  • Storm Shadow, a UK missile, just destroyed a fucking Russian submarine.
  • Western equipment HAS entered Russia in the past, Russia did f*ck all about it.

How many goddamn Russian "red lines" does Ukraine have to show to the West that they mean f*ck all?

The thing is...this is Scholz and if he's famous for anything than that he's the best on this planet for doing nothing regardless the topic. Some Germans even forget from time to time who our Bundeskanzler is because of how he's a specialist in hiding from anything. Fascinating to me how someone like him was able to climb the political ladder up to the top and doesn't just sit somewhere as mayor of a village with 500 people. 

In short, he's a good student of Angela Merkel. Seriously, apart from ending Nuclear energy (after wanting to expand nuclear energy prior to Fukushima) in Germany, what did she really do apart of posing and posturing?