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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I really believe Musk wants chaos in North America and Europe. He says the opposite but his tweets are trying to get people to hate their Gouvernements as much as possible. He obviously doesn't get into detail and just throws a few political tweets or retweets on everyone which are just enough to manipulate Average Joe who just can't be bothered to do more than reading a few tweets to build "his" opinion.

He also tries to kill newspapers or sites and is like "X is enough" which is also insane. Nobody should ever want to have only one site/app for news. Even if Musk would try to have an platform as open and honest as possible which would be all about finding the truth (which he doesn't try). He won't be alive forever and won't always look over it. What will those following him do with this platform in a theoretical case without other news sites? 

But since he's one of the biggest narcissists on earth he obviously doesn't care about that. 

Around the Network
crissindahouse said:

I really believe Musk wants chaos in North America and Europe. He says the opposite but his tweets are trying to get people to hate their Gouvernements as much as possible. He obviously doesn't get into detail and just throws a few political tweets or retweets on everyone which are just enough to manipulate Average Joe who just can't be bothered to do more than reading a few tweets to build "his" opinion.

He also tries to kill newspapers or sites and is like "X is enough" which is also insane. Nobody should ever want to have only one site/app for news. Even if Musk would try to have an platform as open and honest as possible which would be all about finding the truth (which he doesn't try). He won't be alive forever and won't always look over it. What will those following him do with this platform in a theoretical case without other news sites? 

But since he's one of the biggest narcissists on earth he obviously doesn't care about that. 

Yeah. Another right wing grifter like Ian Miles Cheong. I think he aligned himself so hard with the right because they're largely his fanbase now and the dude craves attention and popularity cause he's a fucking sado, a 10 year old in a 50 year olds body. Guarantee he backs DeSantis or Trump for the elections. He is also like any other rich asshole who just wants to make more money, so of course, he wants the war in Ukraine to end because he wants to invest into Russia with SpaceX, Starlink, etc. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, his fans think he actually cares about them, Lmao. He only cares about stroking his own ego. To sum up, he's a piece of shit and no government should rely on him for anything.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 September 2023

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 September 2023

An amendment to the defense funding bill by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., to prohibit all military assistance to Ukraine won 93 Republican votes Wednesday, as 126 Republicans and all 213 Democrats voted against it. 


The Republican plan that was blocked on Friday would have kept the government open for 30 days and impose drastic cuts across the board to government programs, except for funding for veterans, homeland security and disaster response. It does not include any military or humanitarian aid for Ukraine, and it would direct the homeland security secretary to resume "all activities related to the construction of the border wall" at the southern border that were in place under former President Donald J. Trump.

The defeat left the House in an exceedingly weak position to negotiate with the Senate, which is moving ahead with its own, bipartisan short-term funding plan. That bill would continue spending at current levels for six weeks and provide $6 billion in aid to Ukraine and $6 billion for natural disaster relief at home.

The New York Times

Gaetz is honestly an abhorrent piece of shit.

Lol. At the other plan, no military or humanitarian aid for Ukraine but lets continue building that stupid fucking wall!

This is why we need to hurry up and give Ukraine whatever they need and stop spending months of stupid debate because these piece of shit Republicans are waiting in the woodworks for any excuse to cut the aid off to Ukraine for their idol Putin. Europe needs to step up as well, can never count on the Republicans to do the right thing for too long and we can't rely on America to defend us.

Mitch seems furious but the dude needs to grow a spine and get a handle of his party.

Leave it to a Republican to try to betray an ally though.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 September 2023

People are saying they'll be a separate funding bill for Ukraine, any truth to that? My understanding is existing money which was allocated last year still exists and can be sent (around $2bn-$5bn left) from the PDA but no additional support for Ukraine for 45 days unless they can come to an agreement on a separate bill?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 30 September 2023

Around the Network
crissindahouse said:

I really believe Musk wants chaos in North America and Europe. He says the opposite but his tweets are trying to get people to hate their Gouvernements as much as possible. He obviously doesn't get into detail and just throws a few political tweets or retweets on everyone which are just enough to manipulate Average Joe who just can't be bothered to do more than reading a few tweets to build "his" opinion.

He also tries to kill newspapers or sites and is like "X is enough" which is also insane. Nobody should ever want to have only one site/app for news. Even if Musk would try to have an platform as open and honest as possible which would be all about finding the truth (which he doesn't try). He won't be alive forever and won't always look over it. What will those following him do with this platform in a theoretical case without other news sites? 

But since he's one of the biggest narcissists on earth he obviously doesn't care about that. 

Chaos is better for rich people. It distracts the population.

Backing a political party who is known to lower taxes on the rich and subsidize their businesses is an obvious money move. X is about power, to shape public opinion and in turn provide a security layer for the money.

The rich people understand how the world works, the common population doesn't. This is why the basic principle for the rich to get richer continues to work and will continue to work. The basic principle is incredibly simple to execute too. Think of a nation's wealth as a plate with ten cookies on it and three people sitting at the table, representing the rich, the common people and the migrants. The rich guy takes nine cookies from the plate for himself and says, "Commoner, watch out. The migrant is trying to take your cookie." And the commoner completely forgets who actually took the majority of the cookies and falls prey to his fear of migrants. It's the bitter irony of the world that it's very commonly the poorest people of any given first world country who support the system that keeps them down with the most passion.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Ryuu96 said:

People are saying they'll be a separate funding bill for Ukraine, any truth to that? My understanding is existing money which was allocated last year still exists and can be sent (around $2bn-$5bn left) from the PDA but no additional support for Ukraine for 45 days unless they can come to an agreement on a separate bill?

Correct, they can always add more spending bills, however unwise it may or may not be.  To me, this looks more like a temporary problem for Ukraine, rather than a total win for Russia.  Still, the United States isn't the only supporter for Ukraine, and many other nations are helping to restore order.  

Thread by @mfphhh on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Elon Musk Says He's Anti-Subsidy, but Has Gotten Billions of Dollars

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 October 2023

Where the fuck is Thread's web app, or BlueSky actually being open, why are these billionaires so useless, I want to dump Twitter but there's still no viable alternative, Bluesky's been in invite only mode for months and Threads can't even get basic stuff right or a web app.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 October 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Just imagine there is a war with normal people (not soldiers) dying every day from rockets and you  as most rich and one of the most powerful people on earth think its totally funny to make fun about the president of the country asking for help to save those people's lives and homes. Even most criminals would think this guy is pure evil. 

This guy will also manipulate people so badly when important US elections will happen and like you posted already he's also trying to interfere elections and politics in general of other countries. There has to be done something because this dude is a danger for this whole planet now (and I would have laughed about my own post if I would've read that some years ago)