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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Pyro as Bill said:

Idgaf about 'muh escalation'. I get that the US has an opportunity to outplay China by bringing Russia onside and it could easily swing in the opposite direction but had we sent 2 years ago what we've sent since, Russia would be on their arse.

Ukraine has obeyed when we told them Western weapons can't be used on Russia proper. If Russia is willing to blow up a nuclear power station and multiple dams, it's only fair Ukraine has the option to make their own land inaccessible to an invading army.

TLDR: Russia is bluffing and they're not even good at it. Don't call them, raise them.

Well a lot of people (thankfully) do care about the potential escalation of the conflict because the prospect of nuclear war is something that no one wants to see. I feel you’re right about what would have happened if Ukraine hadn’t been supplied in drifts and drabs and while I think more should be given to support them I don’t believe that should extend to nuclear weapons.

Also I realise you suggested Ukraine use them on occupied territory, but that is land Ukraine wants back so in the long-term that would only disadvantage themselves.

Also, it’s either Russia or it’s not. There is no ‘proper’. Personal grammatical pet peeve.

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Pyro as Bill said:
EpicRandy said:

Well this is obviously an over exegeration but just in case it isn't, there's simply no outcome with nukes that will bring stability to ukraine and that won't bring unstability to a lot more countries.

I know that the situation appears quite simple, and at face value it is, Russia is an agressor and a true terrorist state, it must be stops and we should do everything to make it happens. The problem is, Russian have allies which I'll put into 2 categories, slaves regime like Belarus, and countries with strong anti-west views like China. The problem is obviously with the latters as the former does not really move the needle much.

The issue with countries like China is that they're now stuck between multiple positions which I'll simplify to 2:

1) The russian agression is so obvious and so uncontestably wrong and bad that China cannot support them outright.

2) China cannot support a country which want to join and is being supported by the West.

So China does not voice a strong position either way, all the while profiteering from cheap discounted russian oil and willfully ignoring all atrocities russians perpetrates in Ukraine by simply using "uncertainty" or other scapegoat to do nothing.

This put Nato and the west on thin ice. They need to support Ukraine andRussia must loose, yet, if they overdo something it may help China "justify" a support for Russia. Which would extremly bad for Ukraine and world stability. So the status quo of China sitting on the fence must be preserved, therefore, Russia must loose but must loose while in Ukrainians battlefield, not with Ukrainians army in Russia and certainly not with nukes.

It truly sucks, but WW3 would even more.

Idgaf about 'muh escalation'. I get that the US has an opportunity to outplay China by bringing Russia onside and it could easily swing in the opposite direction but had we sent 2 years ago what we've sent since, Russia would be on their arse.

Ukraine has obeyed when we told them Western weapons can't be used on Russia proper. If Russia is willing to blow up a nuclear power station and multiple dams, it's only fair Ukraine has the option to make their own land inaccessible to an invading army.

TLDR: Russia is bluffing and they're not even good at it. Don't call them, raise them.

Nato response has not been perfect, but it was on point when it came to giving Ukraine what it needed when it needed it and when it was ready to make use of it.

There's no "if we sent at first all we've sent up to today" even when not taking into account political play.

millions of rounds of ammunition and artillery shells have been given to Ukraine, If you were to provide Ukraine that much at the beginning the vast majority of those would have been sitting in storage for a long period awaiting to be used and many would likely have been blown up especially prior to nato ramping up Ukraine's air defense.

Western equipment needed the training, those were always going to be slow to roll out to Ukraine. You don't want Abraham tanks sitting in storage where they could be blown up when no one could even make use of them.

Even greatly increasing the number of equipment Ukrainians were used to was not as straightforward, Ukrainians still needed to train new units to take advantage of the added supply yet those able to form new units were much needed otherwise.

"Ukraine has obeyed when we told them Western weapons" because they can make use of them the way NATO told them to, In a scenario where Ukraine has successfully liberated most of its territory, what are they supposed to do if Russia continues its shelling from Russian territories? The only answer is that they would need to pick the fight within Russia and they would be right to do so, yet China does not care anymore about logic and reasons than Russia does so what would be their response then?

Latest Kings & Generals update on the war (August 1-15):

Ukraine Breaks Through the Surovikin Line - Russian Invasion DOCUMENTARY - YouTube

Sadly for Ukraine, not too much offensive action happened during that time, really.

First confirmed Challenger 2 destroyed

crissindahouse said:

First confirmed Challenger 2 destroyed

Western equipment is still proving their worth in crew survivability though, Western tanks are powerful but their core focus is the survival of the crew to fight another day, send them another Challenger 2!

RIP Lil Challenger 2. Losses are inevitable, no tank is invulnerable, in addition it's around Robotyne where Russia has sent their very best unit so the fighting will be very fierce and losses to be expected, I'm not bothered about them losing a Challenger 2, I'm frustrated at UK not sending them more though when there's zero reason we can't. Ukraine needs more Challenger 2 and Leopard 2's.

At least Abrams are coming soon, I still hope America just says fuck it and sends a larger batch as they are more capable of doing that then Europe is.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 05 September 2023

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Ryuu96 said:

RIP Lil Challenger 2. Losses are inevitable, no tank is invulnerable, in addition it's around Robotyne where Russia has sent their very best unit so the fighting will be very fierce and losses to be expected, I'm not bothered about them losing a Challenger 2, I'm frustrated at UK not sending them more though when there's zero reason we can't. Ukraine needs more Challenger 2 and Leopard 2's.

There are reports from survivors of the 47th mechanised brigade (an elite unit) that operates in and around Robotyne. They explain that the tanks have been pretty much useless in the attacks as they usually run into a mine pretty soon. While the fighters in the tanks usually survive, the tank was then in the range of Russian artillery.

So the standard strategy "Go in with tanks and finish the rest with infantry" actually was reversed. "Go in with infantry and remove the mines and finish the rest with tanks" is/was the strategy around Robotyne. This caused incredible losses to the 47th brigade, 75% of the brigade was killed or badly injured. One report tells the story of 24 injured soldiers crammed into an M-113 to remove them from the battlefield.

So the UK may gain ground in the south, it comes with a very heavy price.