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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

COKTOE said:
SecondWar said:

And I literally explained it to you! LITERALLY! But I will reiterate- he said Christians do bad stuff. He DID NOT say only Christians do bad stuff. That was the bit you added (the bit you twisted).

I refer you back to the bit in bold, that you clearly missed, which is the explanation. You did it again in your prior post where you twisted his words in the exact same way as described above, which you’ve erroneously put down to bad wording when actually its you misunderstanding.

Ryuu has said to leave this tangential point so this is my last reply on the subject.

Oh my god. I took it easy on you, AND the-pi-guy for that matter, to avoid a ban. I had a post made, bowing out. It was posted.

But YOU, you piece of flotsam, the most insignificant part of this whole affair, who has added nothing to the discourse, save for half understood interpretations of things OTHER PEOPLE have said, had to open your fucking mouth, and have words fall out of it, like shit falls out of horse's ass and start things up again....AFTER the mod said for it to stop. Of course.

So here's my "after" post you smooth brained dipshit.

I think, if the-pi-guy had a dream, and in that dream, he typed out "If only the Hindu's were able to live up to 67% of the things they believe in, the world would be a better place", or X thing with, with X religion, that ISN'T a Christian denomination, he would wake up from that dream, his balls would turn charcoal black, fall off, and float into space. He would then totally ignore the incredible, normally traumatic events that had just transpired, and run to his nearest internet connected device to make sure he didn't actually type them out. That's an accurate assessment of the power structure in the US as it pertain to expressing opinions on religion.

So, I get to be totally shut down. Unless the soundwaves are comfortably bouncing around the echo chamber, the discussion is done after I respond. One time. Take it elsewhere! I didn't introduce the topic at hand, but I better be careful if I want to say anything about it.

And as for you, again, SecondWar, you absolute retard, you are clearly incapable of explaining anything. You can't even grab the baton, much less run with it. What is it you think you've done here again?

"Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in."

I gave the benefit of the doubt to him, because he said:

"I was talking about how they could do better and how they're not innocent of all of those things padib was excusing himself from."

Interpreting his original statement the way I did was not only fair, but should be expected, unless one is not in possession of basic English, skills, logic, or reason.

I was a jerk in my initial post. I acknowledged it at least, gave the-pi-guy credit for his tact, and attempted to further the discussion....

You then, proceed me back to the-pi-guy's commet, for a third time, adding no input, and nothing of value. Again. OUT. STANDING.

Stay in your lane short bus.

- Yours truly, Tyrone Bibbons, Esq.


Do you kiss another Christian with that mouth?

Around the Network

Just to note, user was thread banned and banned, he won't be bothering the thread anymore.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

Seeing extracts from Putin's BRICs speech. It is straight-up projection and distortion of reality.

Ryuu96 said:

Wagner Group Leader Says That He Is In Africa: | Ukrainska Pravda

Someone geolocate this fucker and drop a missile on him.

Hopefully America locates him and leaks his coordinates to someone who doesn't like him

To the one who reported me, I'm sorry for wanting America to drop a missile on a Nazi lover responsible for tens of thousands of innocent deaths.

Actually America doesn't need to do it, give his coordinates to some rebel group in Africa that also hates his guts

Edited for sensitivity.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

America would have better reason than most though...Considering Wagner Group straight up attacked American soldiers before (and got slaughtered but that isn't the point).

Wagner Group should be considered a terrorist group by all in the West and treated accordingly. The same way we treat ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Wagner Group is no longer affiliated with Russia, they should not be able to hide behind Russia any longer.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Wagner Group Leader Says That He Is In Africa: | Ukrainska Pravda

Someone geolocate this fucker and drop a missile on him.

Hopefully America locates him and leaks his coordinates to someone who doesn't like him

To the one who reported me, I'm sorry for wanting America to drop a missile on a Nazi lover responsible for tens of thousands of innocent deaths.

Actually America doesn't need to do it, give his coordinates to some rebel group in Africa that also hates his guts

Edited for sensitivity.

Anyone reporting this is essentially saying they support the rape and murder of children and civilians. 

Libara said:
Ryuu96 said:

To the one who reported me, I'm sorry for wanting America to drop a missile on a Nazi lover responsible for tens of thousands of innocent deaths.

Actually America doesn't need to do it, give his coordinates to some rebel group in Africa that also hates his guts

Edited for sensitivity.

Anyone reporting this is essentially saying they support the rape and murder of children and civilians. 

I'm so fucking sick of being reported because I'm being too mean about Nazis, I've got to hold my tongue against modern day Hitler. There's a clear line here, Russia is in the wrong, Russia is committing horrific acts against humanity, and Ukraine is the defender we are supporting. I'm so very near the end of my patience, don't like it then leave the damn site and stop wasting our Mod time because these facts aren't changing.

Not every single damn topic deserves a "both sides" and there's absolutely nowhere in the rules that says we are required to allow all sides of every single topic. I'm not allowing Russian defenders, I'm not allowing useful Russian idiots, I'm not tone policing people wanting horrific human beings like Prigozhin/Putin dead for the betterment of the world.

I don't allow it against innocent people, I've called it out, I've gave them the same ban treatment as I gave others, these are not innocent people though, these are people are have verifiably committed horrific acts so give me a fucking break with the "You aren't acting professional!" because I make a half-sarcastic comment about dropping a missile on Prigozhin.

Of course we can't just go around dropping missiles on other countries without their say so but if we had that permission I would cheer on America dropping a missile on Prigozhin the next day and be happy about his death. I'm not about to be ashamed of saying that. The only justifiable reason this dude should live on is to cause more trouble for Putin. We were all cheering Putin/Prigozhin wiping each other out a few months ago, Lmao.

This thread has always and will always be in support of Ukraine and will be until the very end. It will never allow pro-Russian views. It will always have a little more leeway in responding to useful idiots for Russia because those people are supporting horrific actions. If someone is going to be a troll or post a garbage comment in favour of Russia then I'm not going to tut-tut someone for calling that out.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023


Rumours Swirl After Xi Jinping Fails to Give Key Brics Speech | Xi Jinping | The Guardian

Brazil's Lula Says BRICS Not Meant To Challenge G7, US | Reuters

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

The Russian S-400 complex was destroyed in the occupied Crimea.

Destroyed in Crimea and recorded by a drone, Lol.

Turkey must feel like such an idiot...

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

Stephen Wright, a drone technology developer, told Insider that the new tactic won't prove useful for Russia, at least against drone attacks.

"I can see that these 'block ships' could be useful against a different kind of attack, perhaps a large ship being hijacked and rammed into the bridge, or even manned submarines," he said. "But against a weapon as small and agile as the sea drones that we have seen though? They won't stop that."

Russia Sinking Its Ships in Desperate Bid to Thwart Sea Drones: Ukraine