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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

COKTOE said:
SecondWar said:

My post was literally under yours. Where is the rule that I have to quote you? It was fairly obvious I was directing it at you and you didn’t seem to have any trouble figuring that out.

You twisted his words as you claimed pi-guy said Christians are the only group who don’t seem to follow to the instructions of their own scripture. He did not say that.

It was, literally under my post.

It may have not been, had someone posted before you did, and I may not have noticed it had I not waited for a response and refreshed for as long as I did, but thanks for literally explaining the situation to me. I literally didn't try to invoke any rule. I literally just pointed out that someone with 2500 posts should know how to respond properly.

And then I literally asked you how I "twisted" his words, and to literally PLEASE EXPLAIN! 

And then you posted the same thing again. Literally.

And I literally explained it to you! LITERALLY! But I will reiterate- he said Christians do bad stuff. He DID NOT say only Christians do bad stuff. That was the bit you added (the bit you twisted).

I refer you back to the bit in bold, that you clearly missed, which is the explanation. You did it again in your prior post where you twisted his words in the exact same way as described above, which you’ve erroneously put down to bad wording when actually its you misunderstanding.

Ryuu has said to leave this tangential point so this is my last reply on the subject.

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Ryuu96 said:

Padib's questions were garbage, his "Christian values" is code for bigotry, Russia's "Christian values" are excuses to perform bigotry and genocide. That is all that needs to be said, that is why people called him out. The only "Christian values" being lost in the West are the ones used to excuse bigotry, so give me a break with the "woe is me" Christian argument, especially in a thread where a country is often using Christianity as an excuse to commit horrific acts. I have no issue with Christians as a whole or the belief in God but a decent sized portion of people use religion as an excuse to commit horrific acts, such as Russia and that is why people often react the way they do.

Thread is about Ukraine, not Christians as a whole, take this elsewhere, US Politics, PMs, I don't care.

I just saw something......

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Medvedev is on his drunken ramblings again.

I'm not concerned about this until someone other than Medvedev says it.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 22 August 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Medvedev is on his drunken ramblings again.

Isn’t that similar to how they first approached annexing Donetsk and Luhansk though? Feels like something they’d be likely to follow through on. And Georgia isn’t in much of a position to resist in the same way as Ukraine, and also has a Pro-Russian government.

SecondWar said:
Ryuu96 said:

Medvedev is on his drunken ramblings again.

Isn’t that similar to how they first approached annexing Donetsk and Luhansk though? Feels like something they’d be likely to follow through on. And Georgia isn’t in much of a position to resist in the same way as Ukraine, and also has a Pro-Russian government.

It is and I wouldn't be surprised but it is Medvedev talking so for now I wouldn't worry about it.

Shame about Georgia's Pro-Russian government but I don't believe the people share the same attitudes so it could get messy. I really doubt Russia could open another front so in my mind, there's a possibility that Georgia will be the fallback if they can't take Ukraine...And unfortunately Georgia would likely be in no position to defend from Russia if they even chose to, cause again, the pro-Russian Government.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 22 August 2023

Around the Network
COKTOE said:

You think Christians hold a lot of power? What? Where? In the US? What?! Is your TV square shaped? Am I communicating with someone from the 50's via a time portal? OK, that's your interpretation on the current balance of power in the US. I do not agree, but really appreciate your demeanor here. It's what's keeping me from a ban. So, hats off, because my post was pretty aggro.

I can't help but wonder how you've come to this conclusion though. Let's take a trip up north. We'll leave the US for later. Are you aware of how many Christian places of worship, also known as churches, have been razed in the last 2 years in Canada? Are you aware of how the Canadian government has responded to these attacks? Do you know how many arrests were made? We can go through the numbers, and then talk some more about the balance of power as it concerns Christians. But before all that, how is one supposed to interpret this:

I'm going to reply here, but we're getting off topic. This topic is about Russia and Ukraine. If you want to follow up with this conversation, either message me privately or post in a more relevant thread such as the US Politics thread, even though this conversation isn't about US politics, it is still pretty relevant there.

I'm speaking from and about a US American perspective. Christianity is huge here. 

You're framing church razing as if that is contradictory to Christianity being a big deal here; which isn't the case. There are plenty of different types of Christians, and some of them do not like the other. And I would guarantee that you would find that at least some people that burn down churches are in fact Christians from other churches.

It's also extremely simplistic. We also have plenty of attacks on Planned Parenthood, caused by plenty of Christians. You're not factoring in things like that either.

COKTOE said:

But before all that, how is one supposed to interpret this:

"Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in."


"I wasn't calling out Christians as being all the bad guys in the room or something."

OK, fine. Not on me though. Bad wording I guess.

I'm not sure how you're relating these two comments. 

These two sentences are barely talking about the same thing. 

Serious question and I mean no offense, are you a native English speaker?

SecondWar said:
COKTOE said:

It was, literally under my post.

It may have not been, had someone posted before you did, and I may not have noticed it had I not waited for a response and refreshed for as long as I did, but thanks for literally explaining the situation to me. I literally didn't try to invoke any rule. I literally just pointed out that someone with 2500 posts should know how to respond properly.

And then I literally asked you how I "twisted" his words, and to literally PLEASE EXPLAIN! 

And then you posted the same thing again. Literally.

And I literally explained it to you! LITERALLY! But I will reiterate- he said Christians do bad stuff. He DID NOT say only Christians do bad stuff. That was the bit you added (the bit you twisted).

I refer you back to the bit in bold, that you clearly missed, which is the explanation. You did it again in your prior post where you twisted his words in the exact same way as described above, which you’ve erroneously put down to bad wording when actually its you misunderstanding.

Ryuu has said to leave this tangential point so this is my last reply on the subject.

Oh my god. I took it easy on you, AND the-pi-guy for that matter, to avoid a ban. I had a post made, bowing out. It was posted.

But YOU, you piece of flotsam, the most insignificant part of this whole affair, who has added nothing to the discourse, save for half understood interpretations of things OTHER PEOPLE have said, had to open your fucking mouth, and have words fall out of it, like shit falls out of horse's ass and start things up again....AFTER the mod said for it to stop. Of course.

So here's my "after" post you smooth brained dipshit.

I think, if the-pi-guy had a dream, and in that dream, he typed out "If only the Hindu's were able to live up to 67% of the things they believe in, the world would be a better place", or X thing with, with X religion, that ISN'T a Christian denomination, he would wake up from that dream, his balls would turn charcoal black, fall off, and float into space. He would then totally ignore the incredible, normally traumatic events that had just transpired, and run to his nearest internet connected device to make sure he didn't actually type them out. That's an accurate assessment of the power structure in the US as it pertain to expressing opinions on religion.

So, I get to be totally shut down. Unless the soundwaves are comfortably bouncing around the echo chamber, the discussion is done after I respond. One time. Take it elsewhere! I didn't introduce the topic at hand, but I better be careful if I want to say anything about it.

And as for you, again, SecondWar, you absolute retard, you are clearly incapable of explaining anything. You can't even grab the baton, much less run with it. What is it you think you've done here again?

"Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in."

I gave the benefit of the doubt to him, because he said:

"I was talking about how they could do better and how they're not innocent of all of those things padib was excusing himself from."

Interpreting his original statement the way I did was not only fair, but should be expected, unless one is not in possession of basic English, skills, logic, or reason.

I was a jerk in my initial post. I acknowledged it at least, gave the-pi-guy credit for his tact, and attempted to further the discussion....

You then, proceed me back to the-pi-guy's commet, for a third time, adding no input, and nothing of value. Again. OUT. STANDING.

Stay in your lane short bus.

- Yours truly, Tyrone Bibbons, Esq.

~Banned -Yours Truly, Ryuu96

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

the-pi-guy said:
COKTOE said:

You think Christians hold a lot of power? What? Where? In the US? What?! Is your TV square shaped? Am I communicating with someone from the 50's via a time portal? OK, that's your interpretation on the current balance of power in the US. I do not agree, but really appreciate your demeanor here. It's what's keeping me from a ban. So, hats off, because my post was pretty aggro.

I can't help but wonder how you've come to this conclusion though. Let's take a trip up north. We'll leave the US for later. Are you aware of how many Christian places of worship, also known as churches, have been razed in the last 2 years in Canada? Are you aware of how the Canadian government has responded to these attacks? Do you know how many arrests were made? We can go through the numbers, and then talk some more about the balance of power as it concerns Christians. But before all that, how is one supposed to interpret this:

I'm going to reply here, but we're getting off topic. This topic is about Russia and Ukraine. If you want to follow up with this conversation, either message me privately or post in a more relevant thread such as the US Politics thread, even though this conversation isn't about US politics, it is still pretty relevant there.

I'm speaking from and about a US American perspective. Christianity is huge here. 

You're framing church razing as if that is contradictory to Christianity being a big deal here; which isn't the case. There are plenty of different types of Christians, and some of them do not like the other. And I would guarantee that you would find that at least some people that burn down churches are in fact Christians from other churches.

It's also extremely simplistic. We also have plenty of attacks on Planned Parenthood, caused by plenty of Christians. You're not factoring in things like that either.

COKTOE said:

But before all that, how is one supposed to interpret this:

"Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in."


"I wasn't calling out Christians as being all the bad guys in the room or something."

OK, fine. Not on me though. Bad wording I guess.

I'm not sure how you're relating these two comments. 

These two sentences are barely talking about the same thing. 

Serious question and I mean no offense, are you a native English speaker?

You said: "Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in."

Do YOU understand English? It's one sentence.

You say that the sentence in question meant:

""I wasn't calling out Christians as being all the bad guys in the room or something."

You were clearly referring to all Christians when you said "Maybe there would be less degradation of Christian values if Christians actually did half of what they're supposed to believe in."

By any reasonable interpretation of the English language. But you said you that's not what you meant. So I gave you the benefit of the doubt. And waited for you to say what you actually meant. Are you seriously questioning my English here?

-- Thread Banned.

Last edited by Bandorr - on 22 August 2023

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

It'd sure be much easier to be open to discussion if those discussions weren't started with deliberate provocations and blatant off-topic. Seems more like venting than attempts to actually discuss the matter to me.

And this is why I wrote: DO.NOT.FEED.THE.TROLL.

One troll post and the thread is on the way to get derailed by endless "I'm a Christian you're not" ramblings.

People, get back to the subject of this thread.