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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Another war started by a crazy evil white guy. Non-white guys are smarter and all good. White guy are pure evil.

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Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 03 March 2022

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Phoenix20 said:

Another war started by a crazy evil white guy. Non-white guys are smarter and all good. White guy are pure evil.

I take it you're making an effort of being a sarcastic smartass. But no-one here is suggesting we should hate Russian people or everything that is russian. Sanctions and banning products isn't done out of hatred towards Russian people.

Wow the foreign legion is getting big!

Also, any truth to the reports coming out that the invasion was approved early and China knew about it but asked Russia to wait until after the Olympics?

SegaHeart said:

Remember when Germany Italy and japan were evil back then in World War 2 and Russia and China were good guys in World war 2 ? But now Germany is good and so is Japan while Russia turns Evil and China opposses USA ? I don't know how evil is created ?

The Soviets were not "good" guys during WW2. They were simply an enemy of our enemy, because Hitler stupidly engaged with both the west and Soviet Union at the same time.

Ryuu96 said:
Ryuu96 said:

What the fuck is going on with Russia? I'm not complaining but it's honestly baffling that not only does Ukraine still have air support, that they are managing to strike their massive military column with that air support.

Russian army has really shown their incompetence during this war, they still have the numbers which will ultimately likely provide them the win but if Ukraine actually had a similar sized army, by all indications it looks like they would have ran circles around Russia.

I remember during Russia's attack on Georgia in 2008 that it was judged by observed that even though Russia overran Georgia fairly quickly and easily back then that they displayed signs  of weakness that a larger and stronger military force might be able to take advantage of. That was 14 years ago so at the start of this war I doubted it would be that relevant but low and behold, Ukraine - a larger and stronger country than Georgia - is indeed taking advantage of Russian military incompetence. Long may it continue.

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Dulfite said:

Also, any truth to the reports coming out that the invasion was approved early and China knew about it but asked Russia to wait until after the Olympics?

Hard to say for certain but we know there was a meeting between Xi and Putin before the Olympics and it was suggested that Xi asked Putin to postpone the invasion until after the Olympics finished. This was obviously denied by both China and Russia but the timing of when the invasion started does seem a bit too convenient.

My personal assumption is it is indeed true.

SegaHeart said:

Remember when Germany Italy and japan were evil back then in World War 2 and Russia and China were good guys in World war 2 ? But now Germany is good and so is Japan while Russia turns Evil and China opposses USA ? I don't know how evil is created ?

The concept of 'evil' can be a bit too hard to define in many cases. I refer you to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - "Evil is a point of view". 

Massive number of new Russian casualty reported. 

SegaHeart said:

Remember when Germany Italy and japan were evil back then in World War 2 and Russia and China were good guys in World war 2 ? But now Germany is good and so is Japan while Russia turns Evil and China opposses USA ? I don't know how evil is created ?

I would argue that there were no evil country in WW2 and now isn't different.

For me Evil lies within politicians who view war and the sacrifice of there own citizen as easier than diplomacy. It lies within those who enable those politicians with propaganda and financial support. It lies within those who blindly follow orders they know are wrong. It lies within those who are able to see they are being lied to but willfully ignore it.

For others, with the exception of those who voice there opposition and act accordingly, it is more a combination of gullibility, misplaced patriotism and fear but nothing that can be described as evil. 

SecondWar said:
SegaHeart said:

Remember when Germany Italy and japan were evil back then in World War 2 and Russia and China were good guys in World war 2 ? But now Germany is good and so is Japan while Russia turns Evil and China opposses USA ? I don't know how evil is created ?

The concept of 'evil' can be a bit too hard to define in many cases. I refer you to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - "Evil is a point of view". 

In many wars, such as ww1, there aren't really good vs. bad guys. Everyone's at fault to an extent. But sometimes there are genuinely evil sides. Nazis and Communists are objectively evil based on the millions of people they persecute and killed in the most inhumane ways possible.

Putin, based on what he has done, is in that same branch of evil. If he just targeted military structures/soldiers, didn't use illegal weapons, gave citizens time to evacuate before the invasion, didn't plan public executions of dissidents, and didn't do or plan many other evil things he has, he wouldn't be in that category. But he has done this and continues to demostrate this. He will be regulated in history as another Hitler, and Russians for decades to come will have to swallow their shame like Germany did and still deals with in their older populations.