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SegaHeart said:

Remember when Germany Italy and japan were evil back then in World War 2 and Russia and China were good guys in World war 2 ? But now Germany is good and so is Japan while Russia turns Evil and China opposses USA ? I don't know how evil is created ?

I would argue that there were no evil country in WW2 and now isn't different.

For me Evil lies within politicians who view war and the sacrifice of there own citizen as easier than diplomacy. It lies within those who enable those politicians with propaganda and financial support. It lies within those who blindly follow orders they know are wrong. It lies within those who are able to see they are being lied to but willfully ignore it.

For others, with the exception of those who voice there opposition and act accordingly, it is more a combination of gullibility, misplaced patriotism and fear but nothing that can be described as evil.