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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Ryuu96 said:

The irony of saying bad people deserve death when you have putin as your leader!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 November 2022

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 07 November 2022

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Hopefully the Ukrainians really have made China think twice about making any moves against their neighbors in Asia, especially Taiwan.

SanAndreasX said:

Hopefully the Ukrainians really have made China think twice about making any moves against their neighbors in Asia, especially Taiwan.

Like that Twitter thread says, that'll depend on the follow through.

SanAndreasX said:

Hopefully the Ukrainians really have made China think twice about making any moves against their neighbors in Asia, especially Taiwan.

You'd have to be pretty insane to look at Ukraine and think "I want some of that but harder" Lol. China's military on paper is stronger than Russia's but we also assumed Russia's military was strong because of what is on paper, China's modern military has even less combat experience than even Russia does.

Taiwan has a geographical advantage that Ukraine doesn't (a sea between them), Taiwan has had way more prep time than Ukraine, Taiwan has way more modern equipment than Ukraine, Taiwan has more reason to be defended by allies than Ukraine, the list goes on. China could make a play for Taiwan, but the cost would be absolutely enormous.

However, if Russia ultimately did win, it could make China think the cost is worth it by the end, no matter how many hundreds of thousands have to die for it, it isn't like China/Russia give a shit about their citizens, so we need to remain united economically and militarily against Russia and ensure they lose, badly.

Another massive day for Ukraine
looks like Ukraine will have destroyed 3000 Russian tanks before the end of the months. An important achievement as some analyst estimate that this is the total number of tanks Russia has that is in working order or could be realistically restored to participate in this conflict. No wonder why Ukraine often capture tanks made in the 60s

also this guy make pretty good daily video on which he focus on specific contested area. this one help explain a lot of the recent increase in lost we've seen for Russia during last week.