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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I'm fairly sure Biden doesn't need them for lend-lease but also, I doubt he has the support.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2022

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May be evacuating officials, not civilians.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2022

Weird...If they evacuate to the left bank, they're going to end up flooding their own troops.

But the fuckers are going to use human shields to retreat.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2022

Maybe they weren't so far off after all...

This may be excellent prediction timing.

We'll see, and hope.

Around the Network

Ahh, Lol. Decently smart to fool the idiot Russian public. Bring in a new guy, allows an out from Kherson where you are being fucked up and is a loss cause, he won't be blamed because it's too soon and instead he'll pin the blame on the previous General as committing a huge fuck up. Whatever, at least Ukraine will get Kherson back, it's still a big loss to Russia but it's useful for Russia to deceive their idiot nationalists.

Can't see how they can evacuate without losing a ton of equipment too. But hey, at least the new guy is bombing strategically valuable targets such as school playground...These bloggers are either incredibly stupid or just bloodthirsty monster who will take any Ukrainian death as a major win, even if it's children.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 October 2022

We want Ukraine to be our little bitch like Belarus is*

Kind of ironic the Russist propaganda says they want Ukraine to be their friends and independent of the West and NATO, when it is the West and NATO supporting Ukraine’s fight to maintain independence against a murderous Russian invasion.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:

Kind of ironic the Russist propaganda says they want Ukraine to be their friends and independent of the West and NATO, when it is the West and NATO supporting Ukraine’s fight to maintain independence against a murderous Russian invasion.

Gaslighting is the tool of bullies and abusers.