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^I really wanted Kyle Orton to be good when he took them to the playoffs a few years back. I'm glad he is doing something good.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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So anyone picking the Pats to win tonight ?

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

brawl4life said:
So anyone picking the Pats to win tonight ?


 You know i did BIG BABY!!

Its the end of the first quarter and the PATS are winning 6-0! I knew they were going to win but i actually thought it was gonna be close. I didn't expect them to be blowing them out like this; and its only the first quarter. I expect the PATS to win BIG; 3 points tops.


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Bah this game too hard to watch makes me want to throw up. "better then Elway my ass " !!! Talk about choking 3-4 turnovers in the first half and Pats get the ball after half-time its unwatchable.

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D-fense *stomp stomp* D-fense

someone please join me.


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^^^Boo Boo !!! damn Donkeys this the last time I pick them to win, I don't even wanna watch the last half probably going to be a blow out for the Pats the way the ponys are playing 5-6 more turnovers.


Update :

Chargers 32 at Saints 37 - looked like a blowout at first, chargers made nice comeback good game .
Raiders 10 at Ravens 29 - Ravens defense dominated
Bills 15 at Dolphins 25 - How bout dem fishys
Chiefs 24 at Jets 28 - damn it was suppose to be a blow out ...kept it too close oh well win a win.
Cardinals 23 at Panthers 27 - Wow thought 4 sure Panthers were gonna get blownout after first half nice comeback.
Buccaneers 9 at Cowboys 13 - Damn Pirates they couldn't pull up the upset :(
Redskins 25 at Lions 17 - Awww they almost had their first win.
Rams 16 at Patriots 23 - No Steven Jackson = lose
Falcons 14 at Eagles 27 - Westbrook plays = win
Browns 23 at Jaguars 17 - Upset wasn't expecting that
Giants 21 at Steelers 14 - great game both team had great defense that kept it close
Seahawks 34 at 49ers 13 - thought the Seachickens sucked...guess 49ers suck worst
Colts at Titans

Bengals 6 at Texans 35 - ass whooping



I like how you have nicknames for every team you hate. You're missing a game, Houston and Cincy. Houston is blowing them out right now.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

Falcons were screwed out of their win today. stupid stupid refs been messin up all season. I think they should be fined for all of their mistakes and not the coaches and players. Falcons won 21-20.


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