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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

S.Peelman said:
Jpcc86 said:

More hints, because im trailing behind now. Adulting is difficult. 


Hint: Primary colors become precious metals in this sequel games. 


Hint: This lovely SNES classic RPG got a remake last year. It was... good enough I guess. 

#38: Pokemon Gold & Silver

#37: Secret of Mana?

38.- Yep, thats right

37.- Imma give it to you, but I think its technically Secret of Mana 2

Runa216 said:
Jpcc86 said:

More hints, because im trailing behind now. Adulting is difficult. 


Hint: In this non-God of War game, you can fight Kratos as a secret/optional boss. 

Hint 2: The main character's weapon is the very first word of the game's title. 


Hint: In this PS1 game at times you play segments as the main villain, who happens to be "the other half" of the main protagonist. Two parts of a whole, lets say. 

Hint 2: This is the 4th entry of this awesome, but sadly defunct, franchise. 


Hint: Primary colors become precious metals in this sequel games. 


Hint: I learned what the word "Lacrimosa" means because of this game. 


Hint: This lovely SNES classic RPG got a remake last year. It was... good enough I guess. 

42 - Shovel Knight? 

37 - Ys: Lacrimosa of Dana?

Correct on both of them!

Around the Network

#38: Luigi's Mansion 2

While this is my least favorite Luigi's Mansion game I still love it. I like the mission based structure less than how the other two games are structured gameplaywise. But it offers for way more funny dialogue with Professor E. Gadd between missions.

It has way more variety in ghost types than either of the other two Luigi's Mansion games that are all very expressive and full of character with very unique behaviour and attacks.

LM2 introduces plenty of new gadgets from E. Gadd that lead to some great puzzles. The tons of collectables are fun to find. The boss ghost fights are pretty creative.

Also this game introduces the ghost doggo which I mentioned in my hints. That one's a bit annoying but funny.

This installment is way longer than the original with more story too and more intricate leveldesign. King Boo's design is way better than in the first game, intimidating even.

A very fun game.

Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 24 November 2021

Sooo late! (As usual). Let's get to it, shall we?

#50: Ultra Street Fighter IV - PS3/PC

I've never been the best at Street Fighter (playing online though me that reaaaal fast) but with a group of co-workers of comparable skill, this was such a great time. The Focus Attack mechanic added some insane strategic options to the gameplay and the cast was a great mix of fighters old and new. Main character: Chun Li (her charge moves prevented me from going to aggressive which is usually my downfall).

#49: Mega Man 2 - NES

From the awesome intro music to the final fight with Dr. Wily, Mega Man 2 is a great ride. It features some of the most memorable Robot Masters and once you've got the game figured out, it's a quick playthrough that gets you a quick 8bit action fix.

Signature goes here!

coolbeans said:
Farsala said:

41 Unlike most RTS games this game has some RPG mechanics built in.
The sequel to this game is in a different genre,

40 Jump out of exploding planes, and survive derailing trains, climb the biggest mountains in the world..
Okay maybe the exploding plane was its sequel. Find the hidden city!

38 This RPG features an exiled princess, a thief, a relentless captain, 2 mages and an old king.
This game also features quite the eccentric entertainer. The protagonist can interact with all these characters and their backstories in unique ways.

41 - StarCraft (?)

40 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

39 - I'm torn between an old-school RPG or something more recent like Dragon Age: Origins.

41- No but you got some help from Machina

40- yes

38- no but it is even more recent than Dragon Age: Origins and shares the name partially.

Darashiva said:
Farsala said:

Let's try again.

34- Kingdom Hearts 2?

33- Tales of Zestiria?

34 is correct, 33 is so very, very close.

Tales of Berseria

Machina said:
coolbeans said:

41 - StarCraft (?)

40 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

39 - I'm torn between an old-school RPG or something more recent like Dragon Age: Origins.

#41 - I think you're close, but it's WarCraft III - that's the game that has RPG mechanics and a sequel (WoW) in a different genre.

Yes, One left

38 This RPG features an exiled princess, a thief, a relentless captain, 2 mages and an old king.
This game also features quite the eccentric entertainer. The protagonist can interact with all these characters and their backstories in unique ways.

more recent than Dragon Age: Origins and shares the name partially.

#48: Resident Evil Village - PC

Resident Evil Village is the answer to the question "What do you get when you mix RE7 with RE4?". Ethan Winters is back for more punishment (and dear lord, he does get punished!), the game is more wacky than its predecessor but it suits my tastes better. You get a bit of everything, careful and tense exploration, super creepy puzzle section, balls to the wall action sections.

#47: Devil May Cry 5 - PS5

The delightfully over-the-top Devil May Cry formula gets perfected in this entry. Featuring 3 playable characters and a very wide variety of combat options, you'll be killing demons with style until your thumbs fall out. The story and set pieces didn't do much for me but I'm all about that gameplay.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network
S.Peelman said:

New hint for #33, and repost of hint #34. #35 has since been guessed.

#35: People already live here even though this building is still under construction.

Hint 2: And they work there, shop there, eat there, go into the subway there, go to the doctor there, and more things. SimTower - Guessed by kenjab

#34: You must keep the pope happy or else the inquisitors will come for your family.

Hint 2: Those guys are pretty unfair. Your characters need to have a really high piety to survive if an inquisitor targets him.

#33: Being chased by the antagonist makes it look like this game is in the  survival horror genre, but it's not really.


I am thinking something like Medieval Total War, probably 2?

#46: Ori and the Will of the Wisps - PC

Hauntingly beautiful environments, an all new combat system (with some elements borrowed from Hollow Knight) and lengthier campaign Ori and the Will of the Wisps is the perfect sequel so perfect it completely overshadows the original. The game has great movement, a touching story and is a solid Metroidvania all around.

Signature goes here!

#45: Resident Evil 5 - PS3:

If you find someone to play this game will you, I can guarantee you'll have a blast. Many of the complaints about this game go away when you've got someone competent assisting you instead of a rather stupid AI. It features all the Resident Evil goodness that I love, a very sexy Chris Redfield and my favorite version of Mercenaries.

Signature goes here!

GoOnKid said:

38 - After a trilogy of events with one certain spiky haired protagonist in a blue suit, here comes the follow up with a new protagonist.

Sonic And Knuckles?

S.Peelman said:

Guessed by TruckOSaurus

For a while it looked like the 7th Generation of Video Games for would be all about peripherals for me. Obviously, there was the Wii, built around peripherals and motion control and I played it a lot, but there was also 'Guitar Hero'. With this game you could feel awesome, as if you were the greatest guitar player in the world. I even got a real guitar, a very cool looking one, but I soon found out that playing actual guitar in real life is very hard. Especially on the level of the songs in the game, which is borderline impossible if you asked me.

Once there was a demo unit of Guitar Hero III on my campus. So when I and a couple of my friends happened to walk by, I noticed this and blurted out that I was the number 2000 of the world in this game. This was likely not true, because there's a lot of caveats, like what the particular leaderboard was for, how many people actually played online, and what region it was and whatever but I had glimpsed my name at around the number 2000 in something for a second. Apparently this sudden outburst made an impact, probably because it was so ridiculous, and I still haven't heard the end of it.

I feel so bad about this because I don't like being negative, but for the life of me I don't know why so many people love Guitar Hero III so much. I thought the boss battle gimmick was garbage, the charting was all over the place, the visual effects were outlandish in a way that vastly messed with the rhythm and timing of the notes (so much so that they had to widen the allowance on timing just to counterbalance it), and everything was overcharted as hell. 

It's an exercise in style over substance. a great track list from a popularity aspect but nowhere near as fun to play. I got introduced to way more songs and bands from Guitar HEro 1/2 and the Rock Band series than this. And yes, there's a distinct correlation between developers HArmonix (the team that made GH1, GH2, 80's, and the rock band franchise) and my personal tastes. 

Buh, this is one of those games that I know most people only like because it was the one that had the widest appeal, but there's a dedicated group of music lovers that feel it was definitely a step down. Rock Band did it better. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android