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Sooo late! (As usual). Let's get to it, shall we?

#50: Ultra Street Fighter IV - PS3/PC

I've never been the best at Street Fighter (playing online though me that reaaaal fast) but with a group of co-workers of comparable skill, this was such a great time. The Focus Attack mechanic added some insane strategic options to the gameplay and the cast was a great mix of fighters old and new. Main character: Chun Li (her charge moves prevented me from going to aggressive which is usually my downfall).

#49: Mega Man 2 - NES

From the awesome intro music to the final fight with Dr. Wily, Mega Man 2 is a great ride. It features some of the most memorable Robot Masters and once you've got the game figured out, it's a quick playthrough that gets you a quick 8bit action fix.

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