Guessed by Link_Nines.XBC
A bit of a divisive game, but 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess' is, I'd say, actually the definitive Zelda from the era that 'A Link to the Past' (#27) and 'Ocarina of Time' started. You know the 'three dungeons, plot-point, more dungeons and an alternate world'-era. Twilight Princess perfected this, and it features the greatest dungeons and bosses in the series. Personal favourites too, like the Arbiter's Grounds dungeon with its huge boss named Stallord. The item you find in that dungeon is a peculiar one, so I had never seen such a creative boss fight and I played it at first I wasn't sure how to damage it so it took me a long time.
The release of the game marked the beginning of the end of my shunning (well, maybe not shunning) of console gaming. Even though I didn't like what Nintendo had brought to GameCube and GameBoy Advance, I wasn't about to ignore a new Zelda game that looked like it does and after the most epic video game trailer ever made so I dusted off my GameCube and got the game. Finally, and it certainly didn't disappoint. The GameCube version was released a week or two after the Wii version but I didn't have a Wii. Not that much later though I was convinced I wanted one, and the first game I got was, even though I had already completed it and it wasn't really any different; The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.