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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Japan's Love for Xbox Series? (New Poll)


Will the Xbox Series consoles even sell half of the Xbox 360 lifetime sales(808,064)?

Yes, but it will be very close 2 10.00%
Yes, it will even break a million 6 30.00%
No, but it will be very close 2 10.00%
No, it won't even reach 700,000 10 50.00%
trunkswd said:
DroidKnight said:

Xbox Series X|S essentially sold 10% of lifetime Xbox One sales in ONE week.

When you phrase it like that, it sounds more monumental. Imagine if stock restraints weren't an issue. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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trunkswd said:
DroidKnight said:

When you phrase it like that, it sounds more monumental. Imagine if stock restraints weren't an issue.

Xbox Series X|S has so far sold roughly double what Xbox One did lifetime. I'd say it will have no problem outselling the OG Xbox lifetime as well. Hardest one to beat will be the Xbox 360. Xbox 360 had some decent sized exclusives.

IIRC, wasn't 2010 when the Kinect released and was all the hype? If so, that most likely was the reason why the 360 sold so well in Japan that year. Which would make Series X/S sales even more impressive considering they're straight consoles without any gimmick like the Kinect.

trunkswd said:
gtotheunit91 said:

IIRC, wasn't 2010 when the Kinect released and was all the hype? If so, that most likely was the reason why the 360 sold so well in Japan that year. Which would make Series X/S sales even more impressive considering they're straight consoles without any gimmick like the Kinect.

I don't recall Kinect really boosting sales in Japan. It was more of a hit in the west.

Do you know what week in Japan the 360 sold over 10,000 units in 2010? 

trunkswd said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Do you know what week in Japan the 360 sold over 10,000 units in 2010? 

Looking at our estimates, the Xbox 360 last sold 10K was June 26, 2010 with 17,604 units sold. Blue Dragon helped boost 360 sales to 37,821 for December 9, 2006 and after that sales remained nearly 20K for 4 straight weeks.

Oh damn! Series still has a long way to go. Definitely shows how Xbox really needs to cater to Japanese gamers. 

It wasn't that long ago that the Xbox Series consoles broke the milestone of 300,000 and look to easily break 400,000 before the year ends.
Positive trends are continuing and they have now broken their best week outside of launch again.

It broke the previous record of 11,563 that was set in June 2022. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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A 20k week in the holidays wouldn't surprise me.

Kakadu18 said:

A 20k week in the holidays wouldn't surprise me.

Hitting a 20k week outside the holidays would be huge. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Not much further to go before it passes the lifetime of the og xbox. Then it has a long road ahead to catch the 360. I have a feeling it can do it though... just needs more JP centric titles.

Looks like the honeymoon phase is over.

Kakadu18 said:

A 20k week in the holidays wouldn't surprise me.

Lol, didn't happen.

I think these recent numbers were mostly Famitsu having overtracked the XBS and now trying to get closer to Media Create's numbers. It probably didn't sell quite as low in the holiday but still not even close to 10k in any week.