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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Japan's Love for Xbox Series? (New Poll)


Will the Xbox Series consoles even sell half of the Xbox 360 lifetime sales(808,064)?

Yes, but it will be very close 2 10.00%
Yes, it will even break a million 6 30.00%
No, but it will be very close 2 10.00%
No, it won't even reach 700,000 10 50.00%

Xbox has made a nice turn-around in Japan.  It looks like they learned from the past and are pointed in the right direction.  With more hardware sales comes more developer interest in putting their games on Xbox.  

It would have been nice to know how much it would have sold without supply constraints.

Will it break a million lifetime? 

Will it surpass the 360's sales?

Previous poll:


Last edited by DroidKnight - on 21 December 2023 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

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I mean, it's still not good, but it's better.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

What is the cause of the increased sales in Japan? Are those that never owned the system buying it to play all past games they missed on gamepass, or are they buying it for the future games that will be coming to the system? I don't read all of the weekly famitsu sales charts has there ever been an Xbox X game on the top 30 sold list of any given week? Even Playstatoin 5 games rarely crack into the top 30 list for more than a few weeks before Switch games from 4 years ago passes them by on the weekly charts.

Xbox would need a pretty quick turnaround in Japan in order to surpass 360 sales, which weren't great either lol but around 1.5 million 360's sold in Japan last I checked isn't bad considering it's Xbox. That is the dream though for Microsoft. They're really pushing hard in the Japanese market. Prominent JRPG's are making their way into Game Pass and Sarah Bond announced Xbox had partnered with over 200 Japanese indie developers via the ID@Xbox program. Now that they own a Japanese studio in Tango Gameworks and are partnering with major Japanese studios like Kojima Productions, although idk if that deal has been officially signed, who knows what the future might hold.

Also Japanese gamers love mobile and handheld gaming, so Xbox Cloud Gaming might actually be bigger in Japan than consoles tbh.

We're still talking years though till Microsoft is able to make a dent in the Japanese market, but it is good that there is progress.

The 360 sold 62k in it's first 2 days and 290k by the end of 2006. So Series is very far behind in that battle.

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Selling 1700 in retail software and having a major retailer stop selling the Series as of Nov 7th is not love.

Get Persona on Xbox pls!">"><img src="

Spade said:

Get Persona on Xbox pls!

Cracks me up each time. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:
Spade said:

Get Persona on Xbox pls!

Cracks me up each time.

Phil Spencer Sarah Bond can do it. We gettin weird ass niche games, we can get the number.. 3? highest selling Japanese franchise too.">"><img src="


Sarah Bond:">"><img src="