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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - This man says Conker bad fur day 2 can be made even with PC culture

I mean yeah sure? The best selling game in the industry is Grand Theft Auto V, and that makes Conker look like a dated kids show. Other games like Witcher 3 have much more explicit sexual content. If Conker came out today it wouldn't be that notable. 

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Conker was great for the time it came out, spoofing the platformer genre. Maybe MS could use the series to take the piss out of other genres…

CaptainExplosion said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I think its noting Conker was never actually a success.

However, I'm confused why MS doesn't just make a modest budget platformers like Yooka Laylee using their classic IPs. But throw money at projects like Lucky's Tale and Recore.

Lack of common sense, especially with regards to Recore.

Keep in mind that no one knew what the success of Lucky's Tale and Recore would be. They could have done extremely well since they are new IPs. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Also Recore was great, i actually enjoyed it.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 12 October 2021

Soundwave said:

I mean yeah sure? The best selling game in the industry is Grand Theft Auto V, and that makes Conker look like a dated kids show. Other games like Witcher 3 have much more explicit sexual content. If Conker came out today it wouldn't be that notable. 

There is more explicit games on Atari 2600. A lot of porn games came to that system. More explicit stuff on PS1 than Conker. But yeah even Nintendo published M rated games now and markets games like No More Heroes III.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!