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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch OLED model just got announced.

Shaunodon said:
BraLoD said:

If only they would drop the regular model to $200 instead...

This is the 3DS XL situation, a New 3DS like model is still to come, I fear it might cost a PS5 tho, lol.

Switch is already the cheapest current-gen system, with by far the best library of games. No idea why it needs to be cheaper still, but this is obviously just relative to you and your subjective needs/wants.

Subjectively speaking for myself, someone could just hand me a PS5 right now, and I'd still be 50/50 on whether I'd want to clear the one spot on my media shelf it could actually fit comfortably, or if I'd just flog it off to a family member that would get more from it.

If only Sony could release a PS5 model that's more practical...

The Xbox Series S/X and Playstation 5 are fully backwards compatible with Xbox One and Playstation 4 games respectively.

Keep in mind that Xbox One/Playstation 4 titles generally have superior graphics to the Switch as well... So they do have that vast library to augment their 9th gen goodness.

burninmylight said:

To say nothing of what happens once someone decides to pick up the Switch and go...

The tiny, low resolution display whilst portable definitely hides allot of the ugliness anyway, so there is less of a need to augment it's processing capabilities.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Cobretti2 said:
mZuzek said:

Personally I like this better than a Switch Pro. It's got next to nothing in terms of selling points for those who already own a Switch, which means I won't ever feel obligated to buying one. If we had a proper mid-gen upgrade, it'd likely result in games being poorly optimized for the base console and eventually running like shit. To be fair, they kinda already run like shit, but it'd be worse.

Not everyone has the money to go spending around in fancy new consoles all the time. I don't want my current Switch to be made obsolete by an enhanced version because I don't have $400 lying around and even if I had, I'd rather spend it elsewhere. Never liked the idea of mid-gen upgrades to begin with, really.

Just hope Nintendo's next-gen console is a proper, no gimmicks Switch 2, and that it is a significant improvement not only in specs, but also OS, online, features in general, and product quality. And with enhanced backwards compatibility of course.

I personally feel that a mid gen upgrade would have been pointless because no one has ever been able to quantify what hardware it could use that would make it feel worth buying other the original console.  If anything it would have created a pain in the arse for those who have the original model as some games woudl not run on it well only for what maybe a 30% gain in performance on a mid gen upgrade? People keep spitting out DLSS 4K, cool but what hardware is available atm in small factor form that would achieve a true next gen 4K experience? It would be gimped at best upscaled to 4K.

I am glad they didn't do it because it now means whatever NVIDIA is developing in terms of CPU/GPU for Switch 2 has the potential to be a significant increase as new technology comes out. There is no reason than in 3 years time when the next console comes out that games cannot look close to PS5 level with DLSS support and better base hardware for 1080p

Some games already don't run well on it without a mid-gen upgrade... Nintendo published games to boot. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has performance problems and the resolution suffers, Age of Calamity is a mess both in performance and visual fidelity, even Bowser's Fury has frame rate dips (although it's very playable), Link's Awakening stutters and has frame rate dips as well as a lower resolution than expected. Some of these issues could just be issues of poor optimization but a lot are because of hardware limitations.

I primarily play portable only docked when playing Smash, Mario Kart, and Mario Party with family and friends so I don't care about 4K at all. I only want to be able to play Nintendo games at a stable performance and at least at a dynamic 720p but my original Switch can't even handle that. It's not an unreasonable request from Nintendo.

I don't expect a mid-gen hardware upgrade any time soon but judging by Nintendo's past with New 3ds, DSi and even GBA and GB it's highly likely it's going to happen and a lot of people, including me, will be glad to play Nintendo games at acceptable performances when/if it comes out.


OTBWY said:
JRPGfan said:

Where is the damn pro that was rumored?
This is just a new Screen + better speaker, and a lan port for the switch dock?

What? This feels like nintendo pulling a fast one on us.
You thought we were launching a new cool switch? ha.... heres same old switch, with a new screen!

Again, I don't understand this mentality. 

Someone somewhere probably connected OLED screens with Nintendo at some point and insiders started talking about a Pro model. It went on to live its own life probably. It's on us pretty much.

Yep it's not Nintendo's fault that surprise surprise media and their verified insiders cough cough turned a molehill into a mountain,and like most rumors that garner a following it builds on itself giving further incentive to keep feeding those rumors,so you print more conjecture and that conjecture besides feeding the beast gets spun as new information and so becomes the justification for the continuation of those articles, but it doesn't end there like the gift that keeps giving it is also held up as a sign of the veracity of the claims, because everyone knows it's the number of times something is mentioned that determines its credibility.

So even when we've seen this pattern before, its somehow Nintendo's fault, like OTBWY said its pretty much on us and in my case I personally was sure it was a minimum 8K undocked and the reason we can't find all those high end Nvidia cards was because they were used in the Switch Pro .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

mjk45 said:
OTBWY said:

Again, I don't understand this mentality. 

Someone somewhere probably connected OLED screens with Nintendo at some point and insiders started talking about a Pro model. It went on to live its own life probably. It's on us pretty much.

Yep it's not Nintendo's fault that surprise surprise media and their verified insiders cough cough turned a molehill into a mountain,and like most rumors that garner a following it builds on itself giving further incentive to keep feeding those rumours, so you print more conjecture and that conjecture besides feeding the beast gets spun as new information and so becomes the justification for the continuation of those articles, but it doesn't end there like the gift that keeps giving it is also held up as a sign of the veracity of the claims, because everyone knows it's the number of times something is mentioned that determines its credibility.

So even when we've seen this pattern before, its somehow Nintendo's fault, like OTBWY its pretty much on us and  in my case I personally was sure it was 8K undocked and the reason we can't find all those high end Nvidia cards was because they were used in the Switch Pro .

The hype and rumors about 4K and the like aren't Nintendo's fault. Disappointing their customers by not providing a product that allows the customers to fully experience Nintendo games at an acceptable performance is Nintendo's fault though. I didn't expect a "pro" so soon or even 4K this gen but I do expect when paying for a premium product at a premium price for it to work at an acceptable performance especially with Nintendo published first party titles. A lot of people were hoping for a hardware upgrade to remedy Nintendo's failure of performance on these titles. And when another hardware revision in the Switch family is announced and it doesn't address this issue, shock of shocks, people are disappointed.

It makes complete business sense to charge more for such a small change, especially when the parts are cheap and the sales are still strong. But it's disappointing for people wanting their Nintendo games to run like they're supposed to. Keeping up with people's grand expectations isn't Nintendo's fault but failing to hit certain standards of performance and then asking people to pay premium and be happy with a subpar product is.


tsogud said:
mjk45 said:

Yep it's not Nintendo's fault that surprise surprise media and their verified insiders cough cough turned a molehill into a mountain,and like most rumors that garner a following it builds on itself giving further incentive to keep feeding those rumours, so you print more conjecture and that conjecture besides feeding the beast gets spun as new information and so becomes the justification for the continuation of those articles, but it doesn't end there like the gift that keeps giving it is also held up as a sign of the veracity of the claims, because everyone knows it's the number of times something is mentioned that determines its credibility.

So even when we've seen this pattern before, its somehow Nintendo's fault, like OTBWY its pretty much on us and  in my case I personally was sure it was 8K undocked and the reason we can't find all those high end Nvidia cards was because they were used in the Switch Pro .

The hype and rumors about 4K and the like aren't Nintendo's fault. Disappointing their customers by not providing a product that allows the customers to fully experience Nintendo games at an acceptable performance is Nintendo's fault though. I didn't expect a "pro" so soon or even 4K this gen but I do expect when paying for a premium product at a premium price for it to work at an acceptable performance especially with Nintendo published first party titles. A lot of people were hoping for a hardware upgrade to remedy Nintendo's failure of performance on these titles. And when another hardware revision in the Switch family is announced and it doesn't address this issue, shock of shocks, people are disappointed.

It makes complete business sense to charge more for such a small change, especially when the parts are cheap and the sales are still strong. But it's disappointing for people wanting their Nintendo games to run like they're supposed to. Keeping up with people's grand expectations isn't Nintendo's fault but failing to hit certain standards of performance and then asking people to pay premium and be happy with a subpar product is.

 I agree There's nothing wrong in feeling disappointed and wanting more and I for one will be keeping my original Switch but that's different from the where's the damn Pro, Nintendo pulled a fast one on us that RPGfan posted.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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mjk45 said:

 I agree There's nothing wrong in feeling disappointed and wanting more and I for one will be keeping my original Switch but that's different from the where's the damn Pro, Nintendo pulled a fast one on us that RPGfan posted.

Nah. This is why we should never take stock in rumors. They are god damn rumors for a reason.

Base your expectations on actual evidence instead.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

It's not what I was expecting or when I was expecting it, but this is Nintendo... why change the habit of a lifetime?

However as someone who mainly plays handheld I'm quite interested. Am I wrong in thinking the battery life is better? The original Switch is not great on a plane :| and I've lost track how many times I've had to stop playing something to dock and charge (cant be bothered with the rigmarole of undoing the plug). 

I'd assume this is the last major upgrade before a new console... but then again this is Nintendo and I still remember the GameBoy Micro random reveal...

After some deliberation, I’m ok with the OLED announcement. Announcing a Switch Pro, or 4K Switch, this late into its life cycle (granted, Nintendo said it’s in the middle of its lifecycle) and with over 80 million users to consider, it would’ve been a complicated situation. The OLED Switch is more likely meant for new consumers or consumers who want to upgrade from the Switch Lite. If BOTW 2 was coming this year, I might’ve understood a Switch Pro. Granted, a Switch Pro doesn’t necessarily have to release with a big game like BOTW 2. The OLED Switch releasing alongside Metroid Dread is pretty ingenious. Selling a new revision alongside a highly anticipated sequel in the Metroid franchise, does wonders for Dread in terms of marketing. Hopefully, it translates into solid sales for Dread. Not to mention, the white joy cons and dock are pretty slick.

If it’s not what you wanted, then don’t buy it. If it’s something you’re interested in, more power to you. The main purpose for the new revision, to me, is to continue expanding the audience of the Switch. Even some of the analysts are saying such thing. The extra $50 may hold some people back, but I guess Nintendo priced it based on their R&D. Whatever deals they got for these new materials (mixing with some of the old ones) led them to pricing it this way and avoid alienating their established user base.

For anyone expecting a power boost, be assured you will get it when the second generation "Switch-2" will be released probably in March 2023/2024. As for performance, a Switch-2 will target Xbox Series S graphics capabilities, being the bottom line for the current generation. From that moment on, Switch-2 and the current Switch will still cohexist for about 2 or 3 years, sharing the game library and extending the current Switch lifecycle to 8-10 years as expected by Nintendo.

At least, that's my prediction :)

In the meanwhile, I'm glad of this small upgrade offered by the OLED model since I have to replace my Switch anyway.