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After some deliberation, I’m ok with the OLED announcement. Announcing a Switch Pro, or 4K Switch, this late into its life cycle (granted, Nintendo said it’s in the middle of its lifecycle) and with over 80 million users to consider, it would’ve been a complicated situation. The OLED Switch is more likely meant for new consumers or consumers who want to upgrade from the Switch Lite. If BOTW 2 was coming this year, I might’ve understood a Switch Pro. Granted, a Switch Pro doesn’t necessarily have to release with a big game like BOTW 2. The OLED Switch releasing alongside Metroid Dread is pretty ingenious. Selling a new revision alongside a highly anticipated sequel in the Metroid franchise, does wonders for Dread in terms of marketing. Hopefully, it translates into solid sales for Dread. Not to mention, the white joy cons and dock are pretty slick.

If it’s not what you wanted, then don’t buy it. If it’s something you’re interested in, more power to you. The main purpose for the new revision, to me, is to continue expanding the audience of the Switch. Even some of the analysts are saying such thing. The extra $50 may hold some people back, but I guess Nintendo priced it based on their R&D. Whatever deals they got for these new materials (mixing with some of the old ones) led them to pricing it this way and avoid alienating their established user base.