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tsogud said:
mjk45 said:

Yep it's not Nintendo's fault that surprise surprise media and their verified insiders cough cough turned a molehill into a mountain,and like most rumors that garner a following it builds on itself giving further incentive to keep feeding those rumours, so you print more conjecture and that conjecture besides feeding the beast gets spun as new information and so becomes the justification for the continuation of those articles, but it doesn't end there like the gift that keeps giving it is also held up as a sign of the veracity of the claims, because everyone knows it's the number of times something is mentioned that determines its credibility.

So even when we've seen this pattern before, its somehow Nintendo's fault, like OTBWY its pretty much on us and  in my case I personally was sure it was 8K undocked and the reason we can't find all those high end Nvidia cards was because they were used in the Switch Pro .

The hype and rumors about 4K and the like aren't Nintendo's fault. Disappointing their customers by not providing a product that allows the customers to fully experience Nintendo games at an acceptable performance is Nintendo's fault though. I didn't expect a "pro" so soon or even 4K this gen but I do expect when paying for a premium product at a premium price for it to work at an acceptable performance especially with Nintendo published first party titles. A lot of people were hoping for a hardware upgrade to remedy Nintendo's failure of performance on these titles. And when another hardware revision in the Switch family is announced and it doesn't address this issue, shock of shocks, people are disappointed.

It makes complete business sense to charge more for such a small change, especially when the parts are cheap and the sales are still strong. But it's disappointing for people wanting their Nintendo games to run like they're supposed to. Keeping up with people's grand expectations isn't Nintendo's fault but failing to hit certain standards of performance and then asking people to pay premium and be happy with a subpar product is.

 I agree There's nothing wrong in feeling disappointed and wanting more and I for one will be keeping my original Switch but that's different from the where's the damn Pro, Nintendo pulled a fast one on us that RPGfan posted.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot