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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - If Obsidian Made a New Perfect Dark

It's possible MS is already making a new Perfect Dark. I don't recall how valid the rumor was. The rumor was a third-person game,.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Why Obsidian? If anything get the tech wizzes at Id Software to help the team at Initiative Games to help make the game.

MS does not decide what they make , larry and others pointed out if DB fine wants to make a new Conker game they can but MS will not decide that they should do it. I just doesn't know how a New modern PD will look like. I would be fine if is a mix of timesplitters aesthetic and funny style of story.

CaptainExplosion said:
axumblade said:
Meh. Obsidian have too much going on between Avowed, Grounded, and possibly The Outer Worlds 2 Microsoft has a lot of other talented studios that could work on a new Perfect Dark if MS want it.

Like who? I hope you don't mean 343 Industries, because then it'd just end up being like Halo.

hinch said:
Why Obsidian? If anything get the tech wizzes at Id Software to help the team at Initiative Games to help make the game.

Never heard of Initiative Games. Sounds like you made that one up.

Okay, its called The Initiative. The 'AAAA' studio with top tier devs people speculating MS has planned PD for.

CaptainExplosion said:
hinch said:

Okay, its called The Initiative. The 'AAAA' studio with top tier devs people speculating MS has planned PD for.

I've looked at their website, and so far they haven't done anything to prove themselves, and it's been almost 2 years since the studio was formed.

I don't know about iD Software working with the Perfect Dark license, because Perfect Dark is more about strategically achieving taking out enemies than just viciously mowing them down.

Look up the history of ID Software. They are some of the biggest players and more influential developers in the industry. Particularly for FPS genre which they made popular with DOOM. They have a good engine with Id Tech and some talented developers on the team.

I'm pretty sure they can handle a well crafted game with slower pacing. In fact, its probably the best chance they have if they even make Perfect Dark an FPS. Who knows there was recent rumours that it turn out to be a third person action game - ala Uncharted/Tomb Raider reboot.

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Obsidian wouldn't be the best fit for Perfect Dark, not from the games they make. Perfect Dark is more a Metal Gear Solid/Dues Ex style game. Not sure if they have that type of experience with Stealth genres.

I rather see RARE franchise stay buried, Microsoft has squandered years and done nothing noteworthy with them as they got plenty over similar genre franchises already. They better of selling them to Nintendo (make some quick cash) who need those franchise on the system and at least we see something decent done with them.



I'm 100% convinced that The Initiative is already making a Perfect Dark reboot though. As for everyone in the thread saying that Obsidian would not be a good fit, i guess most of you guys forgot about Alpha Protocol so Obsidian would actually be a great choice to make a new Perfect Dark if they had the opportunity.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 25 September 2020

I've said it before at the Xbox thread, but if the Initiative isn't making PD then Arkane would be the perfect studio.

Also, to people saying Xbox should sell Rare ip's to Nintendo. It's been almost 20 years since Rare joined Xbox. Get over it.

Cobretti2 said:
I rather see RARE franchise stay buried, Microsoft has squandered years and done nothing noteworthy with them as they got plenty over similar genre franchises already. They better of selling them to Nintendo (make some quick cash) who need those franchise on the system and at least we see something decent done with them.

Go play Killer Instinct than talk.